Sunday, August 16, 2020

Tomatoes, Tree Swallows, Tares and (tiny) Trees


We are picking and canning tomatoes. These are Stupice and except for the fact that the tomatoes are tiny and take a long time to pick, they are pretty nice tomatoes.
I accidentally picked up six tomato plants that were mislabeled. They were some kind of heirloom. While they taste good, they rot on the vine if you look at them cross-eyed. The Stupice, by comparison, can by resting on the ground and very ripe and most of them are sound. Or, there can be a cluster of Stupice and one of the fruit pecked by a bird and rotting...dripping over the other ripe fruit...and the other fruit is still sound.
There is much to like about a tomato that is not too sympathetic
We aren't setting any records for speed. We canned sixteen quarts yesterday and fifteen today.

Coyote Ken's tree swallows on their way south. I was on a run so the lens of the smartphone is not very clean.

Nodding Onion
The seeds or bulblets have an uncanny resemblance to grains of wheat. I wonder if these were the "tares" in the parable.

A not-very-impressive picture of some persimmon seedlings.

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