Friday, July 26, 2024

Lost tools and Legacies

I walked out into the orchard where I had been working last night and found the hand-pruners I had laid down in about fifteen seconds. That was after looking for them for fifteen minutes last night. The light was at exactly the right angle to highlight them this morning. OH HAPPY DAY! I am a simple fellow and easy to please.

Last night I used the nippers to cut some Poison Ivy stems climbing up a pear tree, laid down the nippers, picked up the sprayer and soused the cut ends. Then I put down the sprayer and the nippers were gone.

I got a rake. I raked the entire area. Nothing. The tool had evaporated!

It isn't that the nippers are expensive, but I have to get better at keeping track of them. I could just see hitting them with the mower...not good.

This morning I was carrying my tools in a fanny-pack with the pack in front. I don't think this is a viable long-term solution because the fanny-pack is not very sturdy.

The bottom line is that I need to make a tool apron part of my normal orchard attire.


Maybe I am reading this all wrong, but I think the hard-left turn many churches are experiencing are driven by people who don't have kids and are "aging out". Staring their own, earthly mortality in the face, they have a sudden desire to leave a legacy.

The biology says that they cannot make their own children so that means they have to leave their finger-prints on other people's kids. There is a large moral-hazard with this arrangement. It is like spending other people's money. "Unique" and "Cool" are vastly more important to the person seeking to leave a legacy than "Sound" and "Prudent" least it is when they are mucking with other people's kids.

This is not a new problem. The Bible lists in multiple places that those who teach will be judged more harshly and that a very hot place in Hell is reserved for the "shepherds" who betray their flock and God's teachings.

I don't have much patience for the entire "Legacy" thing. Every person who wants to leave a legacy wants to start new programs at the cost of starving the maintenance of existing, proven programs. Somehow, they have it in their head that new programs throw longer-shadows. They must also think that "their" program will be able to run without ongoing funding and maintenance because, sure-as-shinola, it will be defunded thirty seconds after they are buried.

I think old people looking in the rear-view mirror and seeing that they left no legacy is a big reason they want to import people from illiberal cultures. 

"Their ancestors will thank me!!!"

No, Buffy. They will not thank you. They will not think of you. Not ever.

Or they want to provide "safe spaces" for kids to research cutting off important parts of their bodies without their parents knowing.

Maybe the translation of the Bible sitting in their pews is different than the one in mine. "Honor your mother and father" is listed in at least three places (Exodus, Deuterotomy and Ephesians) in the translation our church uses.

A Rabbinical scholar might also point out parallels between Adultery and Genital Mutilation and Chemical Castration. Adultery is a sin against God, Tribe and Family because it "Adulterates" the family line. Gender tinkering cynically ENDS the family line and God's plan for that family.

If you think the Bible is neutral on this kind of topic, take the time to read Matt 18:2-6

So what should you do if you want to leave a legacy? If you like your church then treat them like the child you never had and leave them some money WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED. You wouldn't reach up out of the grave and try to control your kid (if you had one), would you? They why do you trust your church (or gun range or flying club or youth organization) so much less?

Fake News Friday: Harris explains "...unburdened by what has been"

When pressed by Ben Shapiro, presumed Presidential candidate Kamala Harris explained:

""What can be, unburdened by what has been" is a line I lifted from Modern Monetary Theory. It means that nobody has to pay back any of their loans because loan-payments are a burden and and the money was borrowed in the past." Harris explained in a moment of surprising lucidity.

Punctuating her explanation with a cackle, Harris continued "Everybody thinks I am saying that you can flunk out of high school and still be a brain surgeon at Walter Reed. Not so" she cautioned.

"I mean, I am open to them being surgeons at the other Veteran Hospitals but not Walter Reed."

"What I am really saying is that paying back loans is totally optional if you signed the contract sometime in the past which is the opposite of signing it in the future or signing it right now."

In other news, bond-values crashed across the globe as spooked investors dumped US bonds in the belief that the front-running Democratic candidate for POTUS intends to default on US denominated debt.

Fake News Friday: Olive Oyl files Gender-Affirming Care lawsuit

A group of former waitresses who used to work at Hooters recently filed a class-action suit against the State of Michigan.

The lawsuit states that the State's refusal to enforce laws that requires insurance companies to pay for "gender affirming care" resulted in their claims for reimbursement for breast enlargement surgeries being denied.

"I was a large-breasted woman trapped in the body of an IBTC girl" Dolly Bomshellicious, lead-plaintiff told the press. "Not only was the denial of gender-affirming care a violation of Federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on sex, but it was also a violation of the American Disabilities Act which considers mental illness to be on par with physical illnesses."

Ken Aarons, the lead attorney in the suit told the press "We are not going after the insurance companies because we understand they have to stay solvent and because they dance to the tune played by State Regulators and the State Attorney General."

Aarons continued "The pressure-points are at the Regulator and State Attorney General level. The actual language of the Michigan law does not specify that Quote -- Gender-affirming care is only available to the opposite gender -- Unquote because that would be nonsensical. How can changing something to its opposite be affirming?"

"And what could be more affirming of a woman's femininity than to bless a women with an Olive Oyl endowment with Rubensque bosoms?" Aarons concluded.

The ERJ blog reached out to Attorney General Dana Nessel and to the Michigan Insurance Commission but did not received a reply.

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