Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Fine Art Tuesday


Looking at this image makes my fingers hurt
Frithjof Smith-Hald born in Norway in 1846. Died in 1937.

His images remind us that clawing a living from the sea was brutally hard and dangerous not very long ago.

Before there was Uber. Nets or firewood on the sledge

Now my fingers AND back hurt

Fortunately, my stomach is not queazy

How is your sense of balance? My guess is that it is easier to find the planks after a storm sweeps them away than it is to keep them secure.

A far cry from a "bass boat" with a 300 hp outboard to catch Largemouth Bass that nobody is going to eat.

Kids fishing, one with a pole and the other with a hand-line.


A small portion of Com-China's 17,000 deep-water fishing fleet.

A tip of the hat to Lucas Machias


  1. Thanks as always, ERJ.

    Having moved to a different clime this year, I am very conscious of the changes in the weather. We largely take for granted that for the bulk of the population, we neither have to live directly with the weather thanks to climate control nor give a great deal of thought to how our next meal will appear.

  2. Frithjof Smith-Hald died the year Maryrose Wampler was born.
    I like his art.

  3. Reminds me of Ol’ Remus and his site. Many people miss him. I truly appreciate periodic fine art. It helps us have a different perspective in a tik tok fake world being pushed. Thank you.


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