Friday, December 6, 2024

Hermit Cookies and Wandering Wyatt

"Hermits" are a kind of cookie. They are simple and not overly-rich. The local convenience store, Quality Dairy, used to sell them.

A recipe here

I made mine with sunflower seeds and raisins. Next time, I will beef them up with some molasses and use stronger coffee. Mine turned out taller than the ones they show at the recipe site. That is fine by me. They also took longer to cook, 10-to-12 minutes rather than the 8-to-10 listed at the site. Maybe because I used an air-back cookie pan. Maybe because the were more cake-like.

Each 1-1/2 oz-to-2 oz cookie has between 240 and 300 Calories and 45% of the calories are from fats.

Hurricane Brownies are what some folks in the Gulf Coast region bake when a hurricane is predicted to hit in their little patch of heaven. Since the power is likely to go out, the "specifications" for the brownies is that they not require refrigeration, that they be easy to eat and that they be dense in calories (One example). Hermit cookies pretty much fill the same niche with the added advantage of being more transportable than a frosting covered brownie.

Wandering Wyatt

Wandering Wyatt is a Youtube channel "inspired by Ms Rachel" which is a popular kiddy show.

Wandering Wyatt doesn't feature "Mr Blippi" footage like Ms Rachel does.

John (Mr Blippi) started making gross out videos in 2013 under the persona of Steezy Grossman. In a 2013 video, John performed the Harlem Shake on a toilet and defecated on a naked friend.   Wikipedia

Nor does Wandering Wyatt feature crotch-shots of a they-them as it crab-walks around singing like Ms Rachel.

From Wandering Wyatt's About page

Welcome to Wandering Wyatt, the family-friendly YouTube channel that strives to teach your little one about Jesus in a fun exciting way. 

At Wandering Wyatt, we believe that you shouldn't worry about what your little one is watching and that every opportunity we should point our children to Christ. 

All of our proceeds are donated to those in need, so know that your supporting missionaries, Christian non-profits, orphanages and more.

Quicksilver shows no preference for one channel over the other. As a hyper-critical adult, the production values of Ms Rachel are more refined than at Wandering Wyatt but Quicksilver is oblivious to those kinds of things.

In my opinion, the slight loss in production values is very acceptable since I don't think toddlers should be exposed to sexualized content that normalizes/trivializes choices that irrevocably complicate their lives.


  1. I would not expect the hurricane survival brownies to last long given the use of milk and cream cheese in the frosting. Brownies generally don't last long anyways, usually getting eaten by the next day, but still.

  2. I just recently learned of "Ms Rachel" from a granddaughter. Are you saying there are crotch shots in "Ms Rachel"?

    1. is one of the regular features. He/she/it does a song about crabs and does the crab-walk with...well...splayed legs facing the camera.

      Hoffman has "hardware" in their face and while that is fine at a college campus or in a bar, I don't know why it is necessary to feature it in videos that target toddlers.

      I am willing to admit that I may be hyper-sensitive.

  3. ERJ, I do not think you are being hyper-sensitive.

    Thanks for the recipe! I will definitely give it a try.

  4. Thank you for the response, No your not being hyper-sensitive.


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