Monday, December 30, 2024

Sports-ball, lifting-straps and peaches


I think "Sports" are one of Western Civilization's greatest inventions. Rather than picking up torches and pitchforks and burning the next village over, we fill a bladder with air and try to throw it through a hoop or punch it into the end-zone.

People have a need to go-to-war. Rather than slitting throats and burning huts, Western Civilization allows them to compete by wearing unnatural shades of polyester and seeing who can have the most outrageous tailgate party.

H1-B visas

H1-B sound like a new kind of influenza.

Lifting straps

I misplaced my dead-lifting straps. I stitched together another pair. 1" webbing, 27" long with one-inch of overlap. Double-thread, #69 polyester thread waxed with bullet lube (45% beeswax, 45% cottonseed oil, 10% lanolin...hey, it is what I had on hand). I sewed these without a twist in the middle and they were no better and no worse than the pair that did have the single twist. Your mileage will vary based on the size of your wrists and hands.

Möbius's Theorem

Some stories don't have two sides to them.


Suddenly, out of nowhere (or so it seems) I am getting questions like "How hard is it to grow peaches?"

Luscious, juicy, tangy and sweet. Unbeatable for eating fresh, pies or canning. Peaches are the queen of fruit.

Peaches: Live hard, die young and leave a good-looking corpse.

I have a couple of 30 year old trees and they look rough...really, really rough. A thirty year old peach tree in the mid-West is a woody Methuselah. Both are seedlings of an obsolete variety named "Madison". Somehow, perhaps by random chance, those two trees have not been leveled by canker, borers or bad-luck.

The way the winds are blowing, I will be grafting three seedlings to each of those ancient-ones and three to an old variety (1963) called Cresthaven.


  1. Omg peaches...
    The absolute BEST are Snowbright White peaches. At least here in EastTN...

    Modern sporting leagues = circuses portion of bread and circuses. Its a distraction from our wordly problems. Hero worship of celebutards and athletes is killing us.

  2. Sports are a great way for kids to learn teamwork, discipline, and tenacity, but the bloated corporate-governmental monstrosity of modern pro sports is disgusting. I’ll buy sportsball as a surrogate for warfare, but is it really necessary to waste so much time and tax money on it? Why does the sports thing have to magnify and elevate the worst people and traits our society has to offer?

  3. ERJ, one of the better "free" deals Nighean Dhonn found for me at an book giveway for the Archaeology department is called The Victor's Crown: A History of Ancient Sport from Homer to Byzantium. It is fun to read about 2000 or more years of sports - and how "superfans" and fan over-reaction have been with us as long as sports has.

  4. As long as the sports 'fans' don't get out of hand, it's all good... I like freestone peaches!

  5. Kings sent the young men off to war because if you don't you'll live in a society with violent young men and thousands of your women, children, and productive males will die at their hands every year.
    On the upside, we get to feel morally superior.

  6. Never got the 'Sports Ball' fever that afflicts some. The people who actually participated in the sport and who know how hard it was to do that - yes, that I see. But when people become angry at the world when their team loses - I just don't get it.

    The players who actually participated in the game are cool with the result. Take a shower and go to dinner with the family or friends - no problem.

    Colleges spend WAAYY too much money on collegiate sports, especially football. College is for educating the mind, not exercising the body. It is just a vehicle for grooming professional athletes who make millions of $$$ running, catching and throwing.

  7. Frank Zappa - Peaches en Regalia

  8. Or as Andy put it

    "I don’t know, friends, to this day what it was that they was a-doin’ down there, but I have studied about it. I think it was that it’s some kindly of a contest where they see which bunch-full of them men can take that punkin and run from one end of that cow pasture to the other without gettin’ knocked down or steppin’ in somethin’."


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