Saturday, December 14, 2024

Illness toppling us like dominoes, Washing Machines and Comments

First, Quicksilver came down with whatever virus is floating around. Stuffed up head. Tired. Cranky.

Then Southern Belle got it.

Then Handsome Hombre.

Mrs ERJ was in full-blown symptoms this morning.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.... I am the last man standing.

Washing Machines

Southern Belle purchased a washing machine for $29 at a local big-box store. She doesn't know if it works. It was a machine the delivery team brought back after installing a new machine at a customer's house.

It is a smallish (3.5 cubic-feet), GE with an agitator. The inside is clean although there are suggestions of hard-water deposits inside.

She has two weeks to plug it in and run it to determine if it works. If it doesn't, then she can return it and reclaim her $29 outlay. I am impressed by SB's frugality. New home owners are often really stressed for cash and more than one family has crashed-and-burned when they retain their pre-home-owning spending habits after closing. Even worse, many go into over-drive as they start "nesting" and filling all of that space with shiny, new cargo.

A big shout-out to "Michael" who works outside at Lansing's Westside Menard's. He helped her load it into the back of the truck.


"Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig. You both get soaked with barnyard-slop and the pig enjoys it."

Some people like to argue. Maybe they think the person who has the last word "wins". Maybe it is a dominance thing. Maybe it is the roar of the crowd.

For my part, I subscribe to Napoleon's advice "If your adversary is making a mistake, don't stop him." If somebody says something that I disagree with, and if I have already outlined my position and reasons for that position...I just let the mistake hang there. You guys are really intelligent. You will reach your own conclusions. More words from me will not change that.


  1. I'm curious to hear how the $29 mystery washer works out, if it's acceptable then that's a deal! If it isn't you're out some time & sweat. Could be a win for everyone involved!

    1. My gut feel is that the motor and stainless steel drum are each worth $30. The transmission is one of the items that might have been lunched, but if it wasn't, it is probably worth $90 on Fleabay or Matchbook Market Place.

      There are hard-water deposits on the agitator and inlet. One failure mode is "sand" clogging the intake and making it very slow to fill. The fix is to flush the manifold and add a filter up-line of the intake manifold on the COLD line. Between the filter and extra hose, that is about a $30 fix. Won't know if there is anything wrong with it until they plug it in and run the hoses.

  2. It's been going around my wife's workplace in west Michigan. Not mine, however. The wife has it now. Her co-workers are reporting positive Covid tests today, whatever that's worth.

  3. Good luck on the virus avoidance, ERJ. Sometimes I am lucky, sometimes so.

    I had never heard than engineer quote before, but a lot of things now make more sense.

  4. Sometimes people replace washers "just because". If it needs fixxin, jooo toob is yer fren.

    1. Oh, and we just finished up with the (probably man made) "cold and flu like symptoms". Since the Covidiocy Plandemic, the health care and big pharma, whistle blowers, every bug is assumed to be of nefarious origins.

  5. Flush your sinuses with saline every morning. Take your daily multivitamin. Teacher friend says a drop of iodine in the saline keeps what the students have away. Have not tried it myself as I am stocked up on the aerasol version of saline and not the shake and squeeze.


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