Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Fine Art Tuesday


Heywood Hardy born in 1842 in Britain and died in 1933. Unlike many artists, Hardy was a commercial success in his lifetime. He found a lucrative niche and took full advantage.

His images present a romantic version of England much like "The Old West" is romanticized in the US. Regardless of how sanitized that vision is, they provide enjoyment to many viewers who may need a vacation from their daily life.


  1. Nice art as usual Joe. Good to look at and think about. Thanks for picking up and continuing the Tuesday Art. ---ken

  2. Thanks as always ERJ. Indeed, an "idealized England" the way we have the "idealized West".

  3. I have only seen someone ride side saddle in horse shows, never on a trail. You would think after almost 50 years of riding you would bump in to some horsewoman giving it a try but so far nope.


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