Sunday, December 15, 2024

One more party in the rear-view mirror

My contribution to the feast

Today was when my side of the family celebrated Christmas.

Mrs ERJ was feeling under-the-weather so I went "stag". Five pounds of cooked mac-n-cheese disappeared. I saw two kids where that was the ONLY food on their plates.

There were seven tots whirring around the house. Three of them were between the age of two-and-three. It seemed like far more.

A couple of the moms were playing this game with their kids. You can see that I am an acorn that didn't fall too far from the tree.

White Elephant gifts were exchanged.

I ate too much. I would have enjoyed myself more if Mrs ERJ had been there, but she was not available. I left earlier than if she had been there.


  1. ERJ, having been to a few "social" holiday events in ages, I am surprised at how quickly I overeat. I need to work on this side of self-discipline more.

  2. Sounds like about three kids in that age range at coffee hour after Communion service at the Glennallen Catholic Church in Alaska!,

  3. I envy your extended family functioning relationship. So many of us don't have that anymore .---ken


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