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A "cup of brewed coffee" is typically listed as having 140mg of caffeine although it varies a great deal by strength and size of cup. |
One of the things I brought along on the endless expedition to pick up furniture was a pack of caffeinated gum. While it didn't taste that great (caffeine is bitter), it has its place in the scheme of things.
I picked some up because one of the vloggers who posts videos about the Camino de Santiago frequently moans about the lack of availability of coffee in small villages before 8:00AM.
Ten kinds of women to avoid
Commenter Steve Sky posted a link to the Ten Kinds of Women to Avoid.
I wrote a post in response but then deleted the post when I realized the post I wrote was BS. I don't have the background to make any authoritative statements about the issue.
While I HAVE run into some of those kinds of women, I also ran into many women who I would consider exceptions to those characterizations. They might not be the majority, but easily a third of the women out there would buck the characterization that they accumulate body-count like stray tom-cats.
Back in the day, I divided women into two camps. One camp was looking for a fantasy who did not exist outside of television shows or the pages of romance novels. The other camp realized that nobody is perfect and the key to happiness is to find somebody whose flaws do not insult your values.
The "older" women were far more likely to have their heads screwed on straight regarding realistic expectations. Many of them had followed some passion through their early twenties (hiking, teaching, art, classifying species of lichens...whatever) and made a calm, rational choice that they needed one good man to spend the rest of their life with.
Made me feel good
I really wasn't trying to eves-drop, but I happened to overhear Handsome Hombre tell Mrs ERJ that I had been a great help in picking up the furniture and "He is very strong!"
You wanna make a guy feel great? Tell his wife he is a splendid specimen of MANhood. It is the equivalent of thanking the boss for something an underling did. It counts for extra, double-bonus points...'cause how else with the boss hear good stuff about you?
Christian Nationalism
One of the local churches is on a busy street and invests far more effort displaying the vapid slogan du jour than in evangelizing Christianity.
One of the recent banners read "Christian Nationalism is NOT Christian".
My response:
O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! -Fourth verse of The Star Spangled Banner (link to a performance on Youtube)
I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery Gospel writ in burnished rows of steel;
“As ye deal with My contemners, so with you My grace shall deal”;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel,
Since God is marching on
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free;
[originally …let us die to make men free]
While God is marching on. -2nd, 3rd and 5th verses Battle Hymn of the Republic
I know when to steal from the best.
In Olden Tymes, a standard deer hunting morning hunt included a small amount of coffee poured into a square of tin foil and placed in mouth, dissolving there until you could no longer stand the taste in your mouth. Bitter was putting it mildly, but better that than fall asleep on stand.
ReplyDeleteOne of my current bosses used to take a couple of Atomic Fireball in his pocket, the cinnamon taste helping him stay awake.
Red Bull, anyone?
DeleteI used to buy candy for office, and there was a company made Coffee Nips, I think it was. I think they were chocolate and coffee flavor hard candies, or semi hard. The truck drivers liked them a lot.
ReplyDeleteSouthern NH
Other cheap sources of caffeine
ReplyDelete- Amazon sells a 500 tablet jar of caffeine pills for about $15 and walmart black tea is a little over 2 cents per teabag.
Our system of governance is flawed, anad perhaps, failing. It is also the finest specimen of such that has EVER existed among fallen mankind. Confident in the outcome of history, here I stand,
ReplyDeleteA little East of Paris
I would argue it is the perversion of our system of govenance that is failing.
DeleteERJ, not having coffee on the morning of a long hike is a punishment unlike any other. Good to know about the Camino de Santiago (It is on the Outdoorsman's and my list of hikes).
ReplyDeleteNothing better than having someone else notice the amount of effort you put in.
I apparently missed something at the end of the election cycle, because sudden "Christian Nationalism" became a thing. An initial observation might react a little less and live out the Gospel a little more.
Christian Nationalism is just the current Leftist boogyman because they feel that many religious Christians are more likely to think and vote conservatively. It's a milder form of calling someone a "Nazi" or "racist."
ReplyDeleteI'm still trying to figure out what, if anything, is wrong with being a nationalist, let alone a Christian one.
There are exceptions to every rule, Joe. The key is in recognizing that they ARE the exceptions. I'd consider those 10 things valid warning or cautionary signs at the very least. Stereotypes arise for a reason. I'd add one to that list - if she is the progressive liberal type... don't waste your time...
ReplyDeleteWomen are best judged the same as men - pluses and minuses, pros and cons, one at a time.
The GREAT news is that we only need ONE woman. And a woman only needs one man. So averages are meaningless. What are needed are effective search algorithms.
DeleteOne rarely catches an Arctic Char or a Brook Trout in a carp-pond.
Agreed… so what should be the new algorithm parameters?
DeleteWhat you want is a women who likes herself. Surely she can want to tweek this or that but at the core, she likes herself. It is a condition that makes life genuine and fulfilling in your journey together. Roger
DeleteRuralcounsel struck a note! Those using the term 'Christian Nationalist' switched from "National Socialist" otherwise known by it's short name "Nazi" when the short name lost it's sting. There will be a new goad along when they percieve Christian Nationlist has lost it's supposed sting.
ReplyDeleteI have to wholeheartedly endorse Rocket Chocolate. Lots of caffeine and Great chocolate taste. Probably have to look online.
ReplyDeleteRegarding "Christian Nationalism."
ReplyDeleteIf I am told any time during the next four years that Trump is not acting like a Christian, I will tell that person, "Good, I was told Christian Nationalism is practically fascism. And we have an impenetrable wall between Church and State so don't tell me we are a Christian Nation." With all the fake indignation I can muster.
And LMAO on the way home.