Monday, May 9, 2022

You can be ugly and stupid and not know it...but not if you have siblings

My sister was caring for me while Mrs ERJ did the paper-chase.

She thought I would benefit from some sun and fresh air so she took me outside to bask in the sun.

She took a picture of me as I was stretched out soaking up rays and sent it to all of my siblings.

In less than a minute my youngest brother texted back in all caps. "OMG! WHAT HAPPENED TO MOM? SHE LOOKS TERRIBLE. HAVE YOU CALLED 9-1-1?"

My sister texted back "It is Joe"

My youngest brother texted back. "What a relief. I guess he doesn't look too bad."

TMI alert below the fold 

I successfully wiped my own butt today. It was a tossup between the left hand which cannot grip and the right hand with the broken rip pain.

That is a big deal because there are many responsible adults Mrs ERJ can leave me with who are very adverse to toileting. The can be pressed into the rotation now that I can get from my lift chair to the commode, do my business ---all of my business including the paperwork---and then reinstall myself in my chair.

If the smell bothers them they can hold their nose and park the filled commode outside.

Never discount the dignity that accompanies being able to clean up after yourself.

Bonus image

One piece of meat for the cost of a center-fire rifle.


  1. Pine Sol in a spray bottle and then spritzed heavily on/in the commode both before and after usage helps with the smell a lot, and also makes cleaning it a lot easier.

  2. Back when I broke my hip and after I got home from the weekend stay in the hospital, my wife did the paperwork the first time I had to go. It was very embarrassing for me and I'm sure my wife wasn't too tickled about it either. After that, I told her I would figure it out myself .

  3. Its funny, that was the red line on my Moms DNR....
    Calling BS on that chunk O beef.... prime rib? @ 12 kilo's? Thats a 27 lb chunk o meat. How big was the cow?

    1. Up in Canada in the province of Nunavut. The name may have morphed. A back-strap off of an Angus could easily way 30 pounds

    2. Canadian bucks are cheap, only $328 U$. And that beef had to travel, look at a map - Igloolik is, like it sounds, waaaaaaaaaaay up north.

    3. That’s not surprising. Was in Kotzebue, AK, Sunday to fix an airplane. It’s a big village between Nome & Barrow on the northwest coast. Wandered into the A.C. (the only store in town) to kill some time… Standard 12 roll pack of paper towels was $48, case of TP was over 65. Didn’t look at meat prices, they’re bad enough in Fairbanks.

  4. That price for the standing rib roast could be about right. I just came from the grocery store and prime boneless ribeye is $25/lb. Choice is $16/lb unless it's on sale, then they'll drop it to $10/lb. Same with choice rib roast...$9/lb


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