Thursday, May 12, 2022


Mrs ERJ has been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders lately. She was still awake at 3:00 this morning when I asked her to rearrange some pillows for me. I don't know what time she actually got to sleep.

She opted to sack-out on the couch in the livingroom rather than on the more comfortable bed in the bedroom because I might need her.

This is what "love" looks like.


  1. You won the lottery, a person who took wedding vows as gospel and has your back covered. You are a lucky man.

  2. ERJ I suspect you, like myself, married far above what we should have actually hoped for.

    1. My wife and I have had this conversation.

      She doesn't think she is exceptional in any way. She apologizes for what she sees as shortcomings.

      She says she is just trying to be the woman-and-wife the Bible calls her to be. Accommodations are made to account for the times we live in and our own, unique circumstances. By and large I would say she is very successful at her goal.

      I still think I married "above" my station but I am not fighting it.

  3. I have tears in my eyes; you are truly blessed. I suspect she is, too.

  4. You, sir, are one fortunate individual. Perhaps you should consider purchasing lottery tickets. :-)


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