Monday, May 16, 2022

Restoration agriculture


I cannot add a thing except to say that sod is very competitive for nutrients and your woody-plants will grab hold quicker and start growing if you do something to beat back the grass. 26 minute run-time with very little "dead" time.


  1. Interesting approach, and yes, grass/weeds WILL take over given the chance.

  2. Last summer I took a weedy, crummy "front lawn" 100' long and 20' wide, removed two foul-smelling blue spruce trees, sheet mulched the whole thing with cardboard boxes and 8" of wood chips, and started planting. Now it has two cherry trees, two peaches, four serviceberries, four blueberry bushes, two hazelnuts, 25 asparagus plants, 50 strawberries, four rhubarbs, a few hundred flowers, and the watermelons go in this week. None of this would have been possible without having the chips on it all winter. Eventually the only grass on our whole six acres will be in pastures. Everything else will be gardens.


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