Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Open Letter to Sheriff Tom Reich and MSP Director Joseph Gaspar


The rage is feeding off of itself
I ask you to pull the Emergency Response Plan off the shelf and review them before this weekend.

In times of crisis we never rise to the occasion. Rather we regress to the level of training we have mastered and we access the plans that are on the top of our mental stack. This is not the time to cook up new plans. This is the time to ensure you are fully prepared to execute the plans that were refined over hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours by our best experts.

Do a test run to ensure that the frequencies used to communicate with neighboring counties and agencies are correct. Knobs get jostled. 

Change out any foaming pepper-gel canisters that are past their best-by date.

Change the batteries in any dedicated equipment and do a function test.

You have my permission to burn through your over-time budget.

Don't over-react by shifting resources too aggressively. Many of the protestors are actors and will seek to yank your deployment around and get you lopsided. An officer in-transit is an officer not-on-the-ground.

A command-and-control list of contacts in the targets most likely to be hit is a great thing to have. If a protest flash-mobs around a church, the ideal situation is to keep the congregation IN THE BUILDING while you guys sort things out. If one exit is secured then it is better to coordinate by cell-phone with people inside than to have a command-and-control person take his eyes off the busy end of things.

A disproportionate share of church goers are over 60 and many are in their 80s. If protestors become violent, there are no happy endings if there are senior citizens caught in the scrum.

I am trying very hard to not tell you how to do your jobs. You guys are professionals. You have GREAT people working for you. Please give them the tools they need to do their jobs in the best possible way and keep Michigan and Eaton County out of the news.

Thank-you for being the mission-oriented professionals you are. We can get through this.

-Eaton Rapids Joe


  1. A disproportionate share of church goers are over 60 and many are in their 80s and no longer give a shit. For such people, the deterrent value of a potential life sentence is low or nonexistent.

    Fixed it for you.

    1. It is a well known fact that SESS outbreaks are known to commonly occur around old, grumpy people.

      Sudden Ex-Sanguination Syndrome.

  2. Great post, Joe. I passed ot on to many others. We definitely need to tell our local law enforcement which side we expect them to be on. --ken

    1. You know, I hope they are way ahead of us on this.

  3. Hahahhaha, country living means I lock the gate and shoot anything that tries to get across it.

    1. Happens in the city, too. My mom's house is within a mile of the center of a 400k metro area.

      Over the last few days I heard the distinctive sound of a standard velocity .22 LR going off three separate times.

      My guess is that he/she is thinning out the population of Red Squirrels.

      It is always the second shot that gives you away.

  4. Our church is large and way out in the country. That doesn't matter much except it makes us less of a target. However, if we are targeted, there are monitored cameras everywhere and armed security (concealed carry). And I'm sure there are armed congregants also. And the police are a long ways away so...


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