Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Progressive-utopian ideals

Self-actualization is the only legitimate goal of the individual

Nobody else is qualified to define your potential or what "self-actualized' means for YOU

The only sin is to fail at self-actualize

Never let anybody stand in the way of your self-actualization

Sexual experiences are hors d'oeuvre on the buffet table of life

Only the cursed suffer any consequences from gorging off that buffet table, like the girl with the shellfish allergy

An abortion is no more morally fraught than jogging an extra 20 minutes or skipping a portion of Johnny Marzetti casserole at dinner the next day to shed any weight you might have gained from the hors d'oeuvre

Sexual partners are fungible

Children are vampires

You cannot rely on others because they are pursuing their own Self-Actualization

If it feels good, do it

Commitment is a trap because it will get in the way of self-actualizing

There is always a way to avoid situations where you might have to give something up to gain something you desire more.

If there are any negative consequences it is because of our forebearers' legacy of injustices

The Fathers of the United States were evil and the only way to achieve utopia is to start with a clean sheet of paper

The government will rescue us

Please feel free to add to the list in comments

1 comment:

  1. We will get sick (after taking vax), because YOU'RE NOT vaxd!

    My body my choice!

    We are starving because YOU have food!


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