Monday, May 16, 2022

A weird question on a job application

"If you were a function in Microsoft Excel, what function would you be and why?"

Well, I suppose if I were allowed an expansive definition of a "function" I would be the Solver add-in. Solver can be used for goal seeking and to regress black-box functions to map input-output relationships.

Otherwise I would be Conditional Formatting because it makes data interpretation fast and intuitive.

How about the rest of you? And please, don't offer to be a macro because it tastes great with cheese.


  1. i want to be the mouse pointer because i know jack about excel...

  2. The Subtotal function.... Allows you to filter the inputs without deleting data

  3. I'd be an "if function". If not this, then that, otherwise this."
    =IF(C5<=0," ",C5-C2)
    I use this in my financial spreadsheets.
    But on the other hand, it is just as weird as asking "What kind of tree would I be?"
    on a side note: don't rush the exercises. Do enough to build muscles but not too much to cause strain.
    Take care and get well soon.

    1. Polimath, I'd have to join you. I test IT systems for a living so most of it is down to 'If then else'.

    2. My guess is that asking somebody "Do you consider yourself an expert in MS Excel" is an exercise in futility. The rock-stars are likely to answer "Nope. I am really only proficient at 25% of its capabilities" while the dope will answer "Hell yeah!"

      The dope thinks he knows everything in the program even if he has only had a two-day intro session.

      Dunning-Kruger strikes again.

  4. Plain old 'SUM'. Simple, but gets it done.

  5. I would be a virus that immediately un-install Windows and put Linux on it.

  6. I am the Easter-Egg flight simulator they snuck in there just to see if they could

  7. Replies
    1. In Great Britain =Randy () returns offspring and irrational arguments

  8. The sigma button. Because I'm all that and then sum.


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