Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Families and the Economy

"Home" is the fundamental unit of economic production. Any policy that undermine the traditional concept of "Home" and "Family" is the equivalent of infecting the economy with HIV.


According to Wikipedia "The ancient Greek word oikos (ancient Greek: οἶκος, plural: οἶκοι; English prefix: eco- for ecology and economics) refers to three related but distinct concepts: the family, the family's property, and the house. Its meaning shifts even within texts"

One of my sisters who has been caring for me retired recently. She told me she was being pressured to return to the paid-work environment and to "be productive".

I told her that she was productive. She had simply shifted from the paid-economy to the unpaid-economy. She was caring for me. She was caring for her new grandchild.

Lest you think the unpaid-economy is a small afterthought compared to the paid-economy, many economists think the unpaid economies of Spain, Italy and Greece are significantly larger than their official, paid-economies.

According to Investopedia, if you had to pay for all of the services of a home-maker at prevailing prices (2019) it would cost you $178k per year.

What percentage of the people (not households) who you know personally have paychecks-and-benefits that are more than $170k per year? 1%? 5%? maybe 10%?

How to destroy families in one generation

Convince every woman entering their child-bearing years that they must go to college.

Funnel them into Self Actualizing majors that do not meet real-world needs and therefore command no wage premium in the job market.

Marinate them in Progressive-utopian ideas for five years.

Saddle them with $30k of debt.

Release them back into the wild to become embittered and angry and reflexively antagonistic to men.

Destroying families is guaranteed to destroy the economy. Families can survive with little input from the economy, but in the long run, the economy cannot survive without the hidden subsidies from families.


  1. Those of us who have studied history and have been paying attention already know this....that the family unit is and has always been the number one target of the criminal left in their ques for power. The rest refuse to see or believe actual facts. Which is why they believe in 82 genders and the insane notions that men can bear children, abortion isn't murder and Pedo Joe is actually in charge.

  2. The family, being a married father and mother, and one child at minimum, is the spiritual and physical anchor of society. The focus on destroying that family is purely demonic and evil. Satan, who is God's devil of course, is allowed to go after the family as it is a physical representation of Goodness and Love on Earth. It's not complicated.
    Thank you for putting some math to the loss of family. I'm saddened but not surprised.

  3. " Saddle them with $30k of debt. "

    That's for one year of schooling at a third rate state college. A lot of private universities and prestigious state institutions, it's upwards of 50k/yr and some are over 75k.

  4. And mens role in this? Find pleasure on Tinder and associated hook-up apps, convince young men that women are parasites and to use them and dispose them, get a third rate education, take on lots of debt and remove any semblance of masculinity in common culture and you get what we currently have. Man - children living at home late into their twenty’s with no moral compass or even a sense of what being a man entails.


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