Thursday, May 4, 2023

You say Ta-mah-toes, I say Toe-may-toes


Big enough to plant out now but it is still cold out there

Sage. 21-of-36 cells have sage germinated

Carillon and Merlin beets started

Most sources will tell you that root vegetables cannot be transplanted. That is mostly true. Most of them grow so fast (turnips and radishes, for example) that there is no advantage. Others have long slender roots that become heavily branched when transplanted (carrots and parsnips). Potatoes and beets are exceptions to the rule.

Potatoes because the gardener plants "seed potatoes", actually chunks of potato which have small "plants" called "eyes" in them. Beets because they can be slow starters that can take three weeks to get going and because the edible parts develop from the very top of the tap-root and are not subject to forking.


  1. Take your tome on them maters....
    I bought some starts from a local greenhouse. 1 week outside under some bushes for shade. 1 week outside in the sun.
    Put them in the field 3 weeks ago, oh my, STILL have not recovered.
    I may till and re-plant.

  2. I do not do as much with root vegetables as I should. I have had pretty good success with sweet potatoes, some with beets, but not very much with turnips or radishes.

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