Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Things are looking up

I had a pretty good day today.

I was able to get out with the weed-whacker (aka, string-trimmer in UK and Oz) and take out the orchard grass. Everybody has their kryptonite. Mine is pollen from orchard grass. Fortunately, it is pretty easy to identify and once it is topped it will not throw more seedheads until next spring.

I also got out into the pasture and cut 100 Canadian thistle at ground level. I figure that at 100 a day I will have most of them handled in a couple of weeks.

I got the Diplomat melon and the cucumber seeds potted. I added a 100W incandescent bulb to add a little bit of heat in the tiny grow-room beneath my work bench. 

I moved the flats of tomatoes outside for the day. I put them in dappled shade to give them some UV exposure and a little bit of breeze. They looked pretty roughed up when I brought them in this evening but expect them to perk-up overnight.

Handsome Hombre is still tearing-it-up in getting stuff done. I am picking up some vibes that he is turning the pole-barn into a tool-guy man-cave. Works for me.

We flipped right-side-up on vehicles. With the S-10 red-tagged and Southern Belle's vehicle in the shop we had four drivers and two working vehicles. Southern Belle retrieved her vehicle today so now we are four-and-three which is much more workable.

Sunflower seeds and Bachelor Buttons were planted today.

I hung the second hummingbird feeder today. They showed up about 10 days ago and now there are a couple of blockheads (males, I assume) who have spectacular air battles over the single feeder. The solution was to hang another feeder on the other side of the house.

I have the sprinkler going. In the last 30 days we logged 3.8" of potential evaporation and 1.4" of rain for a deficit of 2.4" of water.

Tonight is the last, likely night of frost. Tomorrow I hope to get tomatoes into the ground and maybe even half the sweetcorn. Hope springs eternal.


  1. That sounds like a great day indeed ERJ.

  2. Wow, the frost. Got down to 28F here in southern NH. Am glad we put our lettuce starts in the greenhouse at sunset. I never thought I'd have to fire up the wood stove in mid-May.

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  4. Busy is good. And I need to get my hummingbird feeders up.


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