Monday, May 15, 2023

As long as we have plenty to share....

I think Abbott should be bussing recent immigrants to the front doorstep of the heads of NGOs who are bussing them across Mexico. If they want them so much, they should get them.

And drop them off in the parking lots where their kids go to school. And at their churches when they are holding Sabbath services.

And since we have such an abundance, do that for the NGO heavy-lifters at the state level.

The Cartel showed us that everybody has family somewhere. VP Harris has Secret Service protection. The bozos yanking on the levers and paying for the buses don't.

Much of what is called "good parenting" involves making the child "own" the outcome of their misadventure. Find a way to have them get some skin in the game.


  1. Agreed. The longer people are insulated from the consequences of their decisions, the worse problems get.
    I wish we had real journalists left who would do the research and put together stories of where the funding to support illegal immigration is coming from (besides the US government - we know that part).

    1. I wish we had a populace so engaged that they would represent a threat to such a wayward, diabolical media.

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  2. Great idea!
    We need names and addresses. Can we do a givesendgo?

  3. I can't help but wonder if we are being played by TPTB. Think about it this way;
    1) Washington D.C. is letting thousands of migrants across our southern border every day.
    2) Abbott is distributing them to democratic strongholds.
    3) Said strongholds are blustering about so many migrants coming and causing upheaval and angst and desperately needing help.
    4)Washington D.C. providing "help" to these strongholds, to help ease the migrants "pain".
    Just who is actually helping who? And for how much?

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  4. Concur... Get their 'personal' attention!

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