Monday, May 22, 2023


Yessiree-bob, Quicksilver has a cold.

I stayed home with the little-nipper and Mrs ERJ went and looked at the "new" vehicles.

Kids are smarter than we give them credit for. We assume that because they cannot talk they are not tracking what is going on. Not a good assumption.

Quicksilver had been grumpy for a bit and I assumed it was because her nose was stuffed and she wasn't feeling great. She squirmed and wanted to get down. Once on the floor she made a bee-line down the hall toward the bedroom where we change her diapers.

Sure enough, she had a poopy diaper. She was telling me that she needed a change. She didn't have the verbal ability to tell me but she found another way. She is just shy of a year-old.

Mrs ERJ bought a vehicle

I trust Mrs ERJ. We looked at enough vehicles to know what the market is. She picked one of the offerings and bought it.

She paid the same amount in nominal dollar terms as we paid for the last minivan in 2010. The 2010 van had 40k on the odometer and the 2023 van has 100k on the odo. The 2010 currently has over 300k miles so 100k is not a used up vehicle if it has been maintained.

One of the things that tipped this one for Mrs ERJ is that it spent much of its life in Arizona where rust is not an issue, it has never been in an accident and it only had two owners, neither of which were rentals.

Garden update

I got a late start. It was closer to 2:00 than 12:00 when I got cut-loose from Grumpy-daycare duty.

I watered some newly planted trees.

I planted 160 feet of row to sweet corn. This weekend I intend to plant another 240 feet to a slightly later variety. I purchased the seed for the later variety this year.

Looking at the seed I was planting did not fill me with confidence. Those seeds were three years old which would not be a problem if I had stored it in the freezer, but I had not.

My back-up plan is to replant to black, "oiler" sunflowers if that 160' of row planted to old seeds does not come up. Oilers are fairly short season.


  1. Good to know about subbing in the sunflowers! I go through my corn after a few days and deposit extra seed in any gaps in the row that didn't germinate.
    If available at your dealer, try 'incredible' variety of sweet corn. Lives up to its name.
    Glad the vehicle is all worked out! Having challenges there with the offspring as well. "Son, you've been driving MY backup vehicle for 6 months because yours broke, and now this ones making noise! Get it fixed, now, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!"
    Had to explain that line of logic to the boy... whadya do Monday morning when it doesn't start? You already have one of my vehicles, you don't get a 2nd... and all it was, was a broken muffler clamp.

  2. Joe. Where do you find the time? All you get done. Woody

  3. ERJ, I did not start talking until I was almost two years old. My mother, concerned, asked the doctor. "Is he able to communicate what he wants?" he asked. When the answer was affirmative, he responded "He is fine. He will talk when he is ready."

    Having never lived in Winter climes, rust on an auto frame is something I have never had to actively deal with.

    Like Woody, I continue to be amazed (and, frankly, a little inspired to do better) by your productivity. Is it literally just as simple as a list or do you have a more formalized system?

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