Friday, May 12, 2023

Fake News Friday: Biden to balance budget by subcontracting Federal functions to Cartels

The Biden administration floated a proposal to subcontract National Security out to the drug Cartels by issuing them Letters of the Marque. The Cartels to regulate the US Borders and to provide "security" in various cities with populations over 12,345.

The Biden administration also floated the idea of letting the Taliban prosecute our wars overseas. After all, they are now intimately familiar with all of our weapon systems.

Biden is reported as saying, "Hey, Jack. This is a win-win for everybody. All of the Federal employees can keep their full pay and benefits and they can just stay home in their jammies and eat ice cream cones."


  1. But there is news that the Biden Administration is colluding with the Mexican government to have illegals cross the border where there is no presence of Texas lawmen, using border detection equipment to track the Texans.

    1. The sons of bitches need to hang for treason!!!!!

      Jeeezuz, really, how much frickin proof does the American Public need?

      Wednesday they spelled out how the lying SOB is on the take from every country on the planet BUT this one. Which we all already knew was true, they just presented the receipts!

      Fucking potato head slept at 1600 PA Ave Friday night. Liar, thief, and a dirty low down pedophile scumbag and his whore of a wife have defiled our nation and should burn for their treason!

    2. So! Tell me how you really feel. Can't say I disagree with your feelings but remember charges can be preferred for venting a feeling. At some point someone with 'standing' should file impeachment proceedings for violation of oath of office and dereliction of duty.

  2. Very inciteful comment Anon 6:43 Doesn't fit well into the 3 "S"'s though. Note I didn't say enticeful. I chose my word use.

    As John so well said our own Government is selling us down the river.

    In a not so fake-humorous news in Venezuela the Gov brokered deals for the cartels to actually run areas in exchange for the cartels collecting taxes.

    Sadly, I suspect that will become not funny here also.

    Protect your family, oddly the #1 rule of the IRA.

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