Sunday, May 21, 2023

Wyandotte, Michigan

I saw mulberry, cottonwood and some catalpa and some dying ash trees but no mature oak.

By Michigan standards, this is an OLD cemetery

They have a very small tree nursery as part of the cemetery and they have two Swamp White Oak trees in addition to Buckeye, Tulip trees and something I could not ID. I wish I had a contact, I have some oak trees I would like to "gift" them.

Henry Ford, Wyandotte Hospital has a power plant on one side of it and a cemetery on the other. Efficient planning!

The other side of the river is Canada.

Wyandotte is considered "Downriver Detroit" and has a reputation for being grubby and industrial.

I could live there except that it is way too close to Detroit

Say what you will about Downriver, but they are very patriotic.

I saw a Respiratory Therapist (according to her name-tag) step off of the hospital property to enjoy a cigarette and we chatted about the beautiful lilacs lining the sidewalk.

A short time later I saw her zipping along to transport a visitor in a wheel-chair. She had dashed into the lobby to grab the chair and was helping the elderly woman into it.

"That isn't your usual swim-lane, is it?" I asked her.

"Nope" she agreed "but somebody had to do it" as she wheeled the woman into the lobby and headed to the elevators.

That one act of unsolicited kindness was as effective as one-hundred commercials.


  1. In the 60's I had a little wood lot, I climbed and ate mulberry till I was purple, then gathered a shoebox of catalpa worms to sell to my grandpa and his friends for catfish bait.
    Life was simpler then.

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures ERJ. This is a part of the country I know nothing about.

  3. 'Downwater' ports are always 'scummy'... They get the dregs.


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