Monday, May 29, 2023

Big, Ugly, Fat Friend

In some circles, "BUFF" means the Big, Ugly, Fat Friend you keep around to make yourself look better

Looks like Leo is sporting a Dunlop. His belly done lop over his belt

By the standards of the folks who report on celebrities, I am within 15 pounds of being "buff".

Shade in the summer, warmth in the winter...that is why Mrs ERJ tolerates me.


  1. Its JOE, Anne, Eaton Rapids JOE... Sheesh! Spammers these days got no respect!

  2. No, no...THIS is the BUFF!

  3. By modern American health standards Leo there is in fine form. Compared to the stars of yesteryear however he's a fat slob now.

  4. Well I’m 70. Always been pretty fit. I even had a washboard stomach once, but Parkinson’s betrays. But I’m still in better shape than most Americans. Folks are just getting too heavy.

  5. Leo has dickydo. His belly sticks out further than his dickydo.

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  7. I once had a post commander who the troops referred to as “Buff”.
    I can assure you that the second “f”
    did not stand for “friend”.


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