Friday, May 19, 2023

A few random, partial thoughts

Library books

An earlier post about library books struck a nerve with several readers.

A common theme in the comments was something to the effect that library books are peripheral to the issue and/or nibbling at the edges does nothing to solve the problem.

My beef with that line of reasoning is that there are a thousand people who are willing to risk nibbling-at-the-edges for every person who is willing to strike at the roots. Why would you discourage the one-thousand if the end result is all freedom-minded throwing up their hands and exclaiming "All is lost" as they wait for somebody else to start throwing the tea into the harbor.

Do what we can, when we can. Death by a thousand paper-cuts is still death.

What stay's the radical-right's hand

I had a conversation with a person-who-shall-not-be-named about asymmetrical warfare.

One of the tangents to the conversation was "How many bread-and-beer trucks would need a hole in their windshield to shut down the flow of food, fuel and sneakers into Blue, legacy cities.

And then sanity struck.

Where would the people in those Blue-hive cities go? Would they huddle in their dilapidated rental houses and starve/freeze to death in a genteel and civil manner or would they roll out into the 'burbs?

We all know the answer to that question, right?

Then the conversation considered whether the flow of refugees under SHTF times will analogous to how explosives behave in demolition work. A charge that is packed against a mass will explode in a way that directs most of the energy away from the backing-mass. So one might expect Detroit to explode to the west-north-west due to the location of the Detroit River and Lake St Clair.

Refugees from Blue-hives are likely to have "lobes" where they flood areas that are perceived as soft, lucrative targets.
Dearborn and Downriver are sandbags that will reduce southward leakage of migrants and might provide some shielding for Ypsi and Ann Arbor.

The thing about demo explosives is that the expanding charge 'shapes' based on its immediate surroundings early in the event. An air-gap will allow the expanding gasses to build up momentum in that directions and relatively more of the energy from the charge will be dissipated on targets downrange of that air-gap.

If, for instance, a couple of liberal, first-ring suburbs like Royal Oak and Ferndale were to act as air-gaps, then the segment or wedge of neighborhoods downrange of those suburbs (Birmingham, Bloomfield) are at greater risk than, say, Warren==>Sterling Heights or Dearborn ==> Allen Heights.

Similar analysis can be done with other communities. Lansing would blow-out to the east into Ingham County. A lobe might blow-out due west into Delta and Oneida townships in Eaton County. Some of Ingham County south of Lansing, most of Eaton county and nearly all of Clinton County would likely have much less pressure.

The fact that the players who the mainstream media insists on calling "right-wing extremists" think ahead and don't play that game is why the TLA (Three letter agencies) must gin-up false flags.

Keep your head up, your eyes open. Have a plan.


A trope to create outrage? Are they winding the windlass of the speargun in case the Progressives start to lose their grip?

You have to wonder. Mathematically, the idea is a non-starter.

The miracle of good hydration

A woman went to her doctor and told her that she was extremely afraid of her husband.

Every night, her husband would lose his temper and each night it would escalate and become slightly worse than the night before.

She feared that sometime in the near future he would lose the last strand of his control and would physically hurt her, perhaps even kill her.

The woman asked her doctor, "Are you willing to provide documentation so I can have a Personal Protective Order filed?"

Her doctor, an older and wiser woman said "Perhaps, but first I want you to try something else."

"Anything, doctor" the woman said.

"When your husband starts to show the first signs of anger, I want you to fill a large tumbler with water. And when he becomes angery, I want you to take a large mouthful of water and swish it in your mouth. Keep swishing it until he calms down."

"I don't see how that will work but since my lawyer says I need expert witnesses I am willing to give it a shot" the woman said.

Two weeks later, the woman visited her doctor again. Her skin was radiant. Her smile was dazzling. She emoted happiness.

"Unbelievable!" the patient exclaimed. "I had no clue that proper hydration was so powerful"

"My husband stopped getting mad an our love-life has become un-be-lievable!!!"

The doctor patted the young woman on the back of her hand. "Hydration had nothing to do with it. You can't keep talking when you are swishing water in your mouth."


  1. Some how you telegraphed the punchline. Now if one could refine the story and publish it in the form of a "recent study" it could have societal benefit.

  2. Mr. Joe I like your thinking, a few paper cuts and bullet holes could make a big impression. Far better than doing nothing. Woody,

  3. Sir Joe The flow of traffic can be controlled somewhat, however a powder keg blowing could wipe us all out. Woody

  4. Quit yer bitchin and get in the kitchen.

  5. I like your discussion about the potential/likely blue hive "leakage". I have a few points. I think there will be a significant urban die off in the even of most scenarios that will result from the initial scramble to get whatever is available right there in town. Short of a nuclear attack warning, I don't think the city dwellers will go anywhere until there is nothing left to eat or steal in the city. I think that first phase must run its course before the survivors start thinking about making sorties or leaving outright, You are probably correct that the rich suburbs will be the likely targets as they would be associated with both loot and food and presumably everything else a looter would want. That may or may not be the case in reality, but the hordes will end up there if the walk is within a few days and there are no natural obstacles to getting there.
    Everyone should already be engaged in such analysis on a regional level and planning accordingly.

    1. My suspicion is that as soon as the trucks stopped rolling you would start seeing raider and pillaging parties tearing up their own area and it would spread out fast. I grew up in Detroit and lived much of my adult life within a couple of miles of Detroit. There are no natural obstacles to raiding in the directions the red arrows show on ERJ’s map.

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