Monday, May 15, 2023

Maxwell's Demon

It is a generally accepted Law of Thermodynamics that Entropy (disorder) always increases.

If one had a cooler with two ice-cubes in it and a kettle of boiling-hot water, that would be ordered. The cold was in one place and the hot was in another.

If one dumped the ice-cubes into the water, the two would combine in a irreversible way to create luke-warm water. It would not be possible reconstitute the ice-cubes and boiling water without expending more energy (and creating more disorder in other places).

James Clerk Maxwell proposed a way to violate that Law of Thermodynamics. It involved the use of "demons".

Suppose for a moment that "hot" molecules are molecules with high velocity and "cold" molecules are slower molecules. Also suppose that in any vast assembly of molecules there are both "fast" and "slow" molecules and that the measured temperature is the weighted average of all species, fast and slow, of molecules.

Furthermore, suppose the wall of the vessel holding the brazillians of molecules has a tiny, massless door that is operated by a tiny, massless demon; Maxwell's Demon. When a high-velocity molecule is about to bounce off the wall, the demon will open the door and let it pass into the vessel next to the one in question. When a slower molecule is about to impinge on the door, the demon does not open it, the molecule bounces off the door and stays in the original vessel.

Over time, the high-speed molecules end up in the adjacent vessel (hotter gas) and the slow ones remain in the original vessel (colder gas).

Rather than irreversible mixing, the system becomes more ordered over time by the simple expedient of a gate that opens and closes.

Tracking vs Mainstreaming

"Tracking" in the educational context is the practice of testing young students to determine their natural aptitudes and then to put them on "race tracks" to most fully-develop their inherent aptitudes. Those who take to math like ducks to water get lots of math. Those with musical ability get immersed in music. Language==>language. Mechanical skills==>shop classes and so on.

This comes at the expense of less development of the skills they have less natural aptitude for.

"Mainstreaming" is the trend of mixing students mixing students regardless of aptitude. That results in some students becoming frustrated and becoming behavior problems because they are expected to learn materials that they have no hope of mastering. It also results in brighter students being held back and they become behavior problems out of boredom.

It is my opinion that "Tracking" in education is the closest thing we have to Maxwell's Demon and is the only viable tool we have to beat entropy and disorder.

False empathy

Critics of tracking claim that it denies "differently-abled" students the chance to become college educated. Most of these critics have college educations and their criticism smacks of "They will not have a chance to be just like ME!"

Such an attitude stinks of arrogance and an inability to see that excellence is possible in all professions and at all levels of formal education. Eric Hofer was a longshoreman. Jesus Christ was a carpenter. Amos slashed sycamore fruit. Abraham Lincoln split logs to make fences.


  1. Society has devolved markedly... a major reason is the fact that we spend way too much time listening to educated idiots, merely because they have a piece of paper from some overpriced ivory tower collection of egos.

  2. Education persists in ignorance rEgardless of results- phonics versus sight reading is an example. As to the entropy example, the universe itself is divided into hot stars and cold space and there is some agent keeping it that way. Most scientists are trapped in their 1960’s theology of gravity-only & big-bang adumbrations. But Maxwell’s demons are at work- electricity in space. The Electric Universe paradigm is coming to the fore (you can look it up).

  3. When I met my cousin's second husband. He mentioned he knew Morse Code. I asked him how, since he was a game warden. He brought out a beautiful bug. He said when he as drafted in 1962, they did little mini-classes during boot camp. Dit-dah, this is an A. Dah-dit, this is an N. A while later, they had to listen and write what they heard. He excelled at that portion, and finished his A school way ahead of schedule. Thirty words a minute was slow to him.

    We moved between 7th and 8th grade. From a big city to a small farming town. 8th grade was a repeat for me. I was always in trouble in math class. I could finish the homework before class was over. The instructor called me and my buddy over after class one day. "Look, I know this isn't challenging for you two. When you finish the work, go to the library. You are too disruptive to the others." So, we started battling each other playing chess in the library. We started working quicker to have more time to play.

    Train up a child in the way he should go (according to his natural aptitude), and when he is old, he won't depart from them.

  4. I see the push for main streaming as a one size fits none solution that makes life easy for administrators and scheduling.
    It also feeds the Everybody is the Same mindset some people have.

    I believe education should fit the person, not vice versa.
    I also believe we need more vo tech and trades education and less white collar. Relative job availability and salaries support this.

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  6. My wife was a school teacher for 35 years. She hated 'mainstreaming' becauseof thee waste of human material and effort as you point out. She would have loved to read your comments and agreed fully..

  7. The usual arguments against the "possibility" of Maxwell's daemon, suggest that opening and closing the door might of need disipate more energy than is collected, or that such energy is needed to perceive the velocity of the approaching particle (tracking), or even that such information cannot be known (tracked) without introducting more "entropy" (the "observer" problem).

    Similarly, there will be costs and "blowback" from "mainstreaming"; everything comes at a cost.

    Still, I think it has been done long enough to know that it's a net positive return, and encourage further studies as it is done.

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