Monday, May 22, 2023

Hey-ho, hey-ho....

Southern Belle and Handsome Hombre are both heading off to work this morning.

Kubota started a new job today.

Steak is marinading marinating in the fridge to celebrate the industry of these fine, young folks.

Quicksilver has a respiratory virus or allergies and is under-the-weather. I also have a tickle in the back of my throat.

We were going to look at vehicles today but that might be on hold.

God willing, I will be able to get out to the garden by noon today. I got the peppers planted yesterday. 15 sweet peppers, nearly all Stocky Red Roaster due to its ability to germinate at relatively cool temperatures, and 4 Mango and 4 Pineapple Aji. Reading the descriptions, these may be the same cultivar.

Today's agenda includes watering and planting four, 45' long rows of sweet corn.

Also from yesterday

There was a traffic slowdown on !-94 due to a vehicle that caught fire at mile-marker 176 West. Two cop cars and a ladder truck blocking traffic. No ambulance. 

I suspect an electric vehicle. No sign of collision. The fenders had gotten hot enough to bake off all of the paint and oxidize the galvanizing to chalky-yellow-white. Not just the tops of the fenders but from very bottom to very top. The interior was gutted as far back as the rear seats. That was a super-hot fire.

If you have an electric vehicle and a home charging-station, I recommend that you construct at least a cinder-block wall between the vehicle and where you live-and-sleep. Probably also desirable to not have gutters near the station either. Gutters filled with organic trash have been fingered as a point-of-entry into structures when embers fall on the roof and roll into them.


  1. I hadn't thought about gutters that way - a good point.

  2. I highly recommend fresh Greek Oregano eaten raw for the virus/allergies. We eat a sprig every 4 to 6 hours when we are feeling sick or have been exposed to someone (the grandkids usually) with the crud. Works like a charm.

  3. Good news on job fronts ERJ! Huzzah.

    From the videos I have seen, the potential for damage from EV accidents seems to be largely ignored or carefully avoided. With their growing place in the market, I assume this is not a process that can continue.

  4. I'm in the woods in Michigan. The trees block me to a shorter day. Experience has taught me to plant only cherry tomatoes and banana peppers. Those are the only producers.

  5. Maybe Kubota will find HH to be a good role model (and one that is not his Dad - which sometimes makes things easier). Point of spelling - The celebratory steaks are marinating in the marinade.
    Electric Vehicle fires - seriously bad stuff. There's no magic solution to putting out lithium fires. Water doesn't work to extinguish the fire - but if you can get ENOUGH water on the EV battery fire to cool things down so that eventually the cells burn themselves out without heating up the neighboring cells the Fire Dept might be able to "extinguish" the fire - but latent instability in the unburned cells could cause reignition hours or even days later. And enough water could easily be 15-20,000 gallons or more. It's a problem that gave me nightmares as the chief of rural fire department with a major highway transecting our district.

  6. The multi-generational household - returning in spades...

  7. If you must plan and allow for special conditions to mitigate the damage caused by an electric vehicle fire that's a pretty good indication you shouldn't buy an electric vehicle. ICE vehicles do catch fire, on rare occasions, and almost always they are high mileage older vehicles. But it's not uncommon for EV's less than a year or two in age to spontaneously combust. Means the technology isn't safe nor mature enough for widespread use.

    1. Don't forget that this is the reason that you aren't supposed to park an electric car in a parking garage - not only can a lithium fire damage the concrete, there is usually poor ventilation, leading to breathing problems and harmful residues that are almost impossible to clean up.

  8. EVs need on board fire suppression systems. Maybe Joe can design one in all that free time of his 😏.

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