Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Gizmos to make child-care possible even when a caregiver has severe lifting-restrictions

When first diagnosed (with Osteoporosis) I had a bone mineral density score of -3.6 in my spine.  When diagnosed with osteoporosis I was told not to lift more than 10 pounds. I have never fractured.

I have a childcare business & have found alternatives for lifting.... (Source)

Write something every day, they said...

We watch our 18 month-old granddaughter who is about 25 pounds. Hope springs eternal that there might be more in the future. And none of us are getting any younger.


Mitigating Slip-trip-hazards


Recommended by our mail delivery person
Avoiding lifting in-and-out of crib
Some cribs now come with zippered, tent-flap doors. It is amazing how much cooperation you can get one Froot Loop at a time.

Getting into high-chairs


We are all in this together.


  1. I forget the age... Paving required, but my favorite feature of the kettler trike we bought was the extra long handle. Could take the wee ones on walks on the bikepath and tire themselves out, but then was easy for a tall guy to push when they got tired. Might work on a running track?

  2. On that grab bar, throw those plastic anchors away and make sure at least two screws land in solid wood, top and bottom. I've installed hundreds of them over the years.

    1. Agree 100%. Wedge anchors in drywall are shit for strong.

    2. 1975 vintage, fiberglass shower-surround. I am looking at this.

      1/4" lag-bolt, 6" long through a plastic mushroom and into a stud behind the surround. SUPPOSEDLY can accommodate up to a 2" stand-off between the face of the stud and the surface of the surround and has a 275lb weight capacity.

    3. These are great and hold 300#.

  3. When our kids were infants (now both 20 somethings), we were re-gifted a Graco Tot chair, which clamps onto any tabletop to feed them. Made eating out infinitely better, as the kid was out of foot traffic passing by. I'm pretty sure they still make a similar item today.

  4. When those YakTrax decide to spontaneously deconstruct themselves (I think I killed two pairs one winter before I discovered an alternative) take a look at Kahtoola MicroSpikes and Exospikes. Great traction on icy trails or sidewalks, parking lots and roadsides and very durable. I walk/hike several miles a day on often slippery trails with the dogs and Kahtoolas have been my go-to solution for more than 15 years. I started with YakTrax but learned about the MicroSpikes from a fellow firefighter. I always had a pair with my bunker gear all winter long - when lives are on the line, only the best will do.

  5. I have arthritis, as well as other knee and foot issues. My husband has a bad back, and, six months ago, had surgery for a torn quad. He is only now SOMEWHAT able to manage around the house.

    I'm in better shape, but I did put a priority on both building up strength and learning how to get up from a position on the floor without assistance. Check out this video:

    YouTube is a treasure trove of videos teaching such things as Senior Fitness, chair yoga, rehab exercises, and other ways of improving your fitness. Spend the time to learn what works for you, and get busy EVERY day.


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