Monday, June 26, 2023

We got a tiny bit of rain


Richard Tease promised us an inch. In the cold light of morning it was somewhere between a tenth and two-tenths of an inch. Like the old joke goes: Men are much better at reading maps because they can look at an inch and believe that it is twenty-five miles.

The system was traveling northeast and we slid through the gap between the serious rain clouds.

It was enough to get this scion of Oswego Pecan to push a bud in the middle of the stick. I am up to one Kanza and two Oswego grafts that appear to have taken.

Red Clover with pink flowers in top of the frame with Birdsfoot Trefoil with yellow flowers in the bottom. Both species are doing surprisingly well in the pasture in spite of the dryness. It helps that the cattle are over at Sprite's.


White Clover looks burned out in most places.

A closer look shows that they are setting a heck of a seedcrop.

Milkweed with pink flowers. They smell wonderful. No Monarch caterpillars though.

Rutabaga seeds went into the ground a couple of days ago. Beets and Korean Radishes will get planted around July 4th.

I am still watering. We could easily absorb 4" of rain if it came over 48 hours. A simple rule-of-thumb is that soil can easily hold 25% water by volume. So if you have three feet of soil that is accessible to your plant's roots it can hold 9" of water. The caveat is that the plants can never quite drain the soil to zero.

I am going to bank water when my flour-corn gets a little bit taller. Some of the stalks will grow so tall that the impulse sprinkler on the Tee-post will not evenly distribute the water. So, when the corn is about 5' tall they will get two nights in a row  of 12 hours.



  2. Sweet summer rain, like God’s own mercy

    1. Amen, brother. Although God's mercy is infinite and lately, rain has been in short supply...

  3. West of Shitcago, we finally got substantial rain !!!!! Filled the water barrels.


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