Thursday, June 29, 2023

Oh, deer!


A 30" tall sunflower plant that got its top browsed

Evidence of deer in the garden.

Mrs ERJ and I are refining out plan for the time-slots we care for Quicksilver.

Mrs ERJ hits the gym Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The new plan is that I will work into the garden until she must leave. I will leave the bedroom door open so she can hear Quicksilver when she starts to complain. Mrs ERJ will care for QS until hand-off time.

Mornings are a grand time to work in the garden. The only downside is that some tasks, like hand-weeding beans and cucumbers is contraindicated. Conventional wisdom holds that diseases are easily spread from one plant to another when the gardener manipulates those plants.

The soil is just a bit damp for tilling due to the sprinkler two nights ago. Perhaps it will be dry enough by mid-afternoon.


  1. ERJ, morning seems to work best for me in the garden as well - at least I can plan my time accordingly.

  2. Irish Spring soap will keep the deer away.

  3. I tried the Irish Spring soap and I don't think it did anything to slow the deer down.

    I ended up with a 3-wire electric fence (4 might be better) with the top wire at about 6 foot that sort of works. I did add aluminum foil squares smeared with peanut butter to the wires to "train" the deer. I've never seen one lick those baits, but I imagine they get a nice zap when they lick the wire to get to that peanut butter.


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