Saturday, July 16, 2022

Social Obligations

Mrs ERJ and I were invited to a "Pub" last night.

More accurately, I was invited to a pub and I dragged Mrs ERJ along because she is more socially adept than I am.

We did not order. It was very loud inside. A band was playing. I am not good at lip-reading or American Sign Language.

There were easily twice as many people in the space as there was seating.

We left after about a half an hour as we had not ordered anything. As expected, Mrs ERJ left with several new friends and I left relieved that I had executed a social obligation without starting any (more) altercations.

Pubs are not my preferred habitat.


  1. Amen!

    Too loud?

    Too bad, I'm outta here.

    1. Crickets farting is too loud for me now days......

    2. Oh, me too Matthew! I relish and celebrate quiet.

  2. My ears aren't as good as they once were, and if I can't hear normal conversation, I go somewhere else.

  3. Doctors offices seem to be my social life these days...

    1. My only wish is the doctor is smart enough to hire comely lasses to staff his nursing needs, easy on the eyes makes a slightly enjoyable time...

  4. They keep it loud to make you yell, in order to communicate.
    They want you to yell because it makes you thirsty.

  5. I'm following the cardinal rule of Ol' Remus: Avoid crowds.

  6. Yep, don't do pubs/bars anymore either!

  7. I do my patented 'wallflower' act (blending into the wall-paper), and generally enjoy 'observing' (so much so that I am apparently regularly mistaken for an undercover cop, with people hiding/stopping/limiting stuff when I'm there). People watching is both enlightening and depressing at times.

    I've always been the archetypal loner (whose ideal night out involves a mountain, a dog and ... no-one else within miles) but ... pubs tend to remind me why I am happy am I am this way.


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