Friday, January 6, 2023

Fake News Friday: The Harry formerly know as Prince announces his new book


The Harry formerly known as Prince announced the title of his forthcoming book "How to Destroy a Trillion Pound-Sterling Brand without Trying"


  1. He should change his name to PW. What a douche.

  2. Historically, the 'royalty' of Europe were no more than a bunch of inbred, incestuous dunderheads. The current monarchy is a result of that. If Harry is the product of an 'affair' then he is somewhat free of that & should give up trying to get the approval of a 'system' that values the historic affluence based upon 'royalty' & go get a 'f--king job', put it all behind him & move on. He is not entitled, never will be & should get over it. Let's go Brandon!!!!!

  3. “One Steps Out with Actresses, One Doesn’t Marry Them,”: Prince Philip to Prince Harry

  4. Hey you Guys! Harry was just thinking with his other brain as my wife would say!


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