Monday, November 21, 2022

Seeing what is blinding obvious

A portion of our electric fence runs along the north side of the "garden annex". That run of fence is about 200 feet long.

Tall weeds are a problem as they put a parasitic load on the fence. That is less of a problem for a powerful fence charger but our second back-up charger is about 0.3 Joules.

The dilemma I face is that I hate giving up productive ground.

And then it occurred to me that planting June-bearing Strawberries through woodchip mulch is a viable option. I have to keep the weeds down anyway and being next to the garden they will get watered.

I doubt that I will forget to turn the fence off more than once. It is worth an experiment.

One hundred June-bearing strawberry plants runs about $50 and the same number of day-neutral varieties are about $60/hundred.


  1. If you are willing to wait a year you could easily get by with half the planting efforts. At least my experience with strawberries is that the quickly multiply and take over the area.

  2. And at that price, you are money ahead. A pound of strawberries around this parts is $3.00 at best, and that is with them not being nearly as delicious as home grown.

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  4. How do you keep the chipmunks from eating all the berries? I had a small patch, not enough plants. I lost most of the berries to critters.
    Southern NH

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