Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Fine Art Tuesday


Cameos: Artwork that combines sculpture and color. Created by carefully carving into a medium with different colors at different layers. Many cameos were carved from shells.

Cameos seem to capture serenity without making the subject seem frozen.


  1. Outstanding collection you’ve posted there. I remember seeing a few, back in my youth, and was not impressed, really. Maybe they they were poorly made. Certainly not as fine or detailed as the ones here. Highly skilled craftsmen on these.
    Southern NH

  2. Such beautiful work, thank you for sharing ERJ. I wonder if this is still practiced as an art.

  3. The skill, manual control and incredible patience needed to carve things like this aways amazes me and these are really impressive.---ken

  4. Such is the glory of man, Joe! Look at what is going on here: infinite detail of texture, hair, light, shadow - reduced to a few deft strokes of the chisel and file - without losing the likeness of the subject in the least! We are the only ones of all Gods critters that can do stuff like this...with sea shells generously provided to us for our work! It is proof in my mind that our Maker put us here for a reason, and gave us these gifts and capabilities to be better than we are.

  5. Stunning and the patience that it took to go 'just' deep enough in a fragile medium makes one appreciate them even more!


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