Tuesday, November 15, 2022

My day in pictures


The view from the blind

Seen behind a local, mid-western diner. No, those are not my deer.

I don't have anything lined up for Clayton and Krystal tomorrow. Maybe something Friday.


  1. Looks like couple inches of snow, we don't have any, 80 miles south.

  2. Those deer do not appear to have been gutted out. I never saw a deer in a truck that wasn't. Don't downstate hunters gut out their deer? --ken

    1. They were gutted out. It is the angle, plus the deer on top is crushing the buck's legs together so you cannot see the cuts.

      All trolls that I know gut their deer in the field.

  3. That hunt must have been really cold. With all of that white, the deer's body must stand out from background very well.

    Better luck next time - they don't call it killing, they call it hunting for a reason,

    1. I stopped counting at 14. They were in a picked bean field. The shots were just too long or the deer were running.


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