Friday, April 19, 2024

Quicksilver collected her first bee-sting for the season

Quicksilver got stung twice on her left foot yesterday. It was a paper-wasp that was still drowsy from sleeping all winter. It was lazing about on the carpet when Quicksilver stepped on it.

She is just a bit short of two-years old.

She has been retelling the story of the mean bee that made her go "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I think we are on the sixth retelling. The story gets better with each retelling.

I suspect that she will be a blogger when she gets older.

That apple didn't fall too far from the tree.


  1. Put honey on a bee sting and it numbs the pain or eliminates it entirely.

  2. In fairness, most of us have little talent. Your granddaughter will outdo all of us.

  3. Growing up, I went barefoot a lot and stepped on many bees in the clover !!!

  4. Ah yes, the first bite... and hopefully a lesson learned!

  5. Sounds like my youngest sister. Mum used to say that Julie would never let the facts get in the way of a good story.


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