Monday, April 8, 2024

Grafting weather seems to fall when the suckers are running!

I feel like I am still dragging. The upside is that I am no more uncomfortable moving around working than I am when I sit in my recliner and moan.

Four mulberry seedlings were grafted to the old standard Illinois Everbearing Mulberry.

One Enterprise apple tree which I butchered after the wind blew it over got a graft of Suncrisp apple for a pollinator. I took out the top so it was less top-heavy.

One persimmon seedling was grafted to Lehman's Delight.

I had a single graft of a hazelnut take last year. It put on enough growth that I was able to get enough scion to graft four more trees.

I started repurposing one gallon plastic milk jugs to use as shelters for newly planted rootstock. The Grade-B plants don't have much in the way of roots and the milk jugs reduce wind-whip and provide a tiny bit of warmth.

I also put a milk-jug shelter on a Pyrus calleryanna seedling that I grafted a Blake's Pride pear on. I will probably put jugs on the five P. cally I grafted in the food-hedge as well.

Southern Belle unexpectedly took an interest in the elderberries. She used elderberry syrup in Miami to fight off the flu and was impressed. I might be able to subcontract out the harvesting and processing of our elderberry crop!

I have been enjoying the Craftsman Vision Youtube channel. It shows a lot of small-scale production facilities with (mostly) low-tech tools. Nearly all of the footage seems to be shot in China. America used to be great at that.

First tick of the season was pulled off of my leg.

Congratulations to the South Carolina Game Cock's Women's Basketball team.


  1. Getting what you can done is typical of us old farts. Whining and complaining isn't our style...

  2. I still get pissed off when I try to work hard for 6-8 hours. Somewhere in my brain I think I should be able to put in a 12-14 hour day.

  3. A minor them over several recent posts us ERJ feeling a bit peaked.
    This is confusing since Joe has spent hours in the gym and otherwise working to ensure health.

    I suggest examination for low grade infection, viral or other. Tilling the soil is known to release spores.
    (I suspect this is more than being in contact with small child.)

  4. We have picked and juiced elderberries for years, and we believe it really helps the immune system. We planted our own elderberry cuttings this year, and they seem to be growing well.


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