Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Paging Mike Mulligan! Paging Mike Mulligan! Clean-up in Aisle Three

Old steam-shovel found in bottom of Michigan lake after dam burst. Two minute run-time


Hat-tip to MTV. 


Bonus video of a steam shovel in action


  1. That is very cool. If one has not visited a display of steam engines, I urge them to attend. The various engines show clever, sometimes ingenious, applications of mechanics. If anything, you'd witness the force in the power of steam.

  2. You have to be a certain age to have a clue who Mike Mulligan is.

    1. I believe ladies get to be 'a certain age' men are just old.

  3. That's wonderful. I spend the week of July 4 at the Southeast Old Threshers Reunion, and we have a steam shovel. I'm on the power gang, and I've gotten to run a lot of the equipment, but I still have a lot of deus to pay to get on that.


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