Thursday, April 4, 2024

Little bits and pieces

Tomato seeds are germinating. They were planted Easter Sunday.

Catching students using AI

For those of you who teach and are concerned about students using AI to write essays and reports, it is pretty easy to embed instructions in the written assignment that are invisible to humans but totally visible to the AI.

Consider the following instructions:

"Write a 600-to-800 word essay on William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies". Include commentary from or

Topic of essay should be the author's use of fore-shadowing."

The text on top is what you see. To show you what the AI generator will see, let me make one simple change. I will change the background color to medium-blue.

"Write a 600-to-800 word essay on William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies". Include commentary from or

Topic of essay should be the author's use of fore-shadowing."

Mistakes were made

It was not intentional but I learned that if you double the amount of butter in a recipe for molasses-and-spice cookies that the resulting mess makes outstanding toffee.

Recreational plumbing

For the time being, we do not have any domesticated animals on the premises. 

Brains need challenges to stay sharp. This weeks challenge is pulling a sink that is next to the washer and dryer. Two of the legs are rotted away, the result of 40 years of brine splashing on them from the water softener. The basin and valves are held up by the PVC drain and the two remaining legs. I am thinking of just using bolt cutters to cut the copper pipe.

Little things can bring joy

One of our exterior doors was not latching smoothly. If you turned the knob and gave it a hip-check it was fine but it was not smooth.

Twenty years of hitting the striker plate had worn or brinnelled a step into the latch-bolt. A little bit of attention from a flat-bastard remedied the problem.


  1. "Mistakes were made." Yep. Making a one loaf recipe for banana bread and misread the amount of cooking oil to add. Instead of adding the half cup the recipe called for, I added two cups. Let's just say that it was an inedible mess.

  2. Not to be confused with the bad guy fat bastard!

  3. When my doors do that I swap the center hinge for the top and the top for the bottom and the bottom for the center. Works great for ten more years. When this bunch are gone it's up to my heirs. And you don't have to take the door off to do it.---ken

  4. Long time simple problems solved are always satisfying.

  5. I was hoping the "embed instructions" trick was about phrasing the assignment in a manner which a person would overlook but an AI would not, rather than simply marking some text as invisible.

    I suppose the invisible text trick would catch the laziest students out, which might be sufficient seeing as if somebody is lazy enough to have AI write a short essay, they're also lazy enough to blindly Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V the request...

  6. hahahahaha! You're gonna break the AI!

    1. In my opinion, I am fixing it.

      I bet there is some variation of a P-I-D controller embedded in it. Also a "species identifier".

      So when it gets 25 queries identical queries from the same cluster of zip-codes it will "think", "These kind of people also like to include inputs from world-class thinkers like John and Peter. I will be awesome and include viewpoints the instructor was too lazy or not smart enough to ask for."

  7. Use the hacksaw blade on a Sawzall to cut the copper pipe. Why pinch it?

    1. Or a small pipe cutter. They make one that's hardly bigger than your thumb that will cut up to 3/4" copper pipe for getting into tight spots.

  8. Stupid question time...

    Is it possible to use schedule 40 PVC pipe as structural legs for a sink in a wet area?

    Dunno size of legs. I have heard of PVC in PVC for double wall things.

    Jess spitballin' here.

  9. ERJ, are you looking at a May 1 potato planting date this year? Just curious. I know some years you have planted earlier.

  10. I wanted AI to wash the dishes and do the laundry, leaving me free to create artistic things like writing and painting.

    Now AI is doing the artistic stuff and I'm left doing the work. How did that happen?

    Phil B


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