Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Fine Art Tuesday

Hieronymus Bosch was born in the Netherlands approximately 1450 and died in 1516.

His work was widely copied and far more paintings are attributed to him than can be confidently identified as such.

Notable for fantastic juxtaposition of unlikely characters, scandalous actions and very, very busy compositions.

Bosch was painting in the middle of the European Renaissance and the Dutch were among the most active explorers, bringing back exotic treasures from Africa, the middle-East and the Orient. Novelties were actively sought and displayed. Some people find it notable that he included images of naked Africans in his paintings.

As a side-note, there were psychedellic drugs in the late 1400s. Ergot infected rye produced lysergic acid (the "L" in LSD). Fly Agaric mushrooms had psychedelic properties...and is very toxic. Heavy drinkers who suddenly stop drinking...like a broke artist might...have horrific dreams. Various nightshades that are indigenous to Europe (like Belladonna and Bittersweet) have alkaloids that can cause hallucinations.

A close-up of part of the image shown above

Hat-tip to Anonymous


  1. it is like the cover art from a 60's LP album cover.

  2. His paintings are almost like a surreal Where's Waldo. I have no idea what they mean, but it's fascinating to look at the details.

  3. One thought was some of his work based on Dante's inferno.


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