Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Fine Art Tuesday


Bronze-age ax heads.

A multitude of ways to mount them to a handle. Some were for butchering. Some for cutting wood. Some were for war. Others were ceremonial.

"Luristan" bronze from what is now Western Iran. Presumably made by the lost-wax process.

Socket-and-loop heads from a hoard found in Germany.

Reproduction showing how a "flanged" ax head was mounted.

Flanged ax heads


  1. Very cool. Our ancestors were thinking and working it out for themselves.

  2. Very cool. The bottom center example in the first photo is a pickaroon for handling firewood. Almost identical to the one I used this morning to bring in fuel for the mornings fire.

    Yes, it snowed six inches last night. Darned Rocky Mountain springtime weather!

  3. Thanks ERJ. We saw several of these last year in Mycenae and some in Istanbul.


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