Sunday, June 7, 2020

Blog Birthday

The first post on the Eaton Rapids Joe blog was written June 7, 2013, my first full day of retirement.

4778 posts later, the blog is still chugging along, powered by my low threshold for amazement.

I don't publish traffic stats because they are suspect. 75% of them could easily be bots and spiders.

Six weeks after I started blogging, I received an email of congratulations from a fellow blogger. It was his belief that the typical blog lasted three weeks and consisted of three posts. His words were something to the effect that people over-estimate the IMPORTANT things they have to say.

The take-away from his message is that a blog cannot be about "me", not if it is to have any longevity. I try to follow that rule. I write about what I see, hear and expect might happen in the future.

There are no guarantees in life. I will keep blogging as long as it meets me needs. If things get goofy then it may go dark. Stuff happens.

For the 25% of you out there who are neither a bot or a spider, thanks for making the ERJ blog part of your daily routine.  I hold you in admiration. By-and-large, you are people who not only think for yourselves, you are men and women of action.

Most especially, thanks for the comments.



  1. Congratulations, sir! IMHO the best blogs combine entertainment with education, both of which you do quite well. Thank you.

  2. I second what Ralph said!!

    Happy Blog Birthday and I wish you many more:)

  3. Happy Blog Birthday !! I try to read daily ! I wish you many more ! ! ( As a side note since you mention young adults who are just entering college you must have been somewhat older parent. As I look at the possibility I may be thrust into the role of raising a grandchild....I wish I could ask a few questions outside of this public area. ) Again, I am thankful for your blog and hope you continue for many years to come.

    1. Send me an email at

      Let me know what is on your mind.

  4. Thank you Joe for making my days more interesting. You are a bright spot.---ken

  5. Replies
    1. That was not him. He has NEVER stuck it out -in public that is. He is really quite modest about his body. LOL

  6. Congratulations and keep up the good work!


  7. Congrats on the Bloggaversary! Your blog is one of my daily reads and I'm always learning something reading your agricultural posts, and entertained by your fiction ones.

  8. Congratulations, You are a daily read for me and would miss you if you quit.
    Tsgt Joe or Midland Joe

  9. Keep it up! Congrats and looking forward to another 7 years!!!

  10. Congratulations and Thank You!! First site I visit each and every day. Please keep up the good work.

  11. Congratulations on your blog birthday, and thank you again.

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  13. Thanks for blogging, Joe. I check here MORE than once a day to see if you have posted something new. I have noticed that you do not just post once a day. I especially like your fiction. I learn a lot of real stuff from it. BOO-YAH !

  14. Thanks Joe and many happy returns.

  15. I am not a bot! (I think)
    Thanks for posting

  16. Congratulations and thanks for sticking it out. Keep going and remember you are always a bright spot in someones day. Usually mine!!

  17. I am surprise I have probably been following it since the beginning.

  18. Congrats on the anniversary, ERJ. Thanks for the time and effort you give to the blog and the experience, intelligence and imagination you share with those who read it.

  19. Happy blogbirthday! Many happy returns!!!!


Readers who are willing to comment make this a better blog. Civil dialog is a valuable thing.