Saturday, February 12, 2022

Native Americans aka, American Indians

I just want to toss out a few talking points.

Talking Point One:

Tribal income from gambling casinos is the closest thing we have to a living, breathing experiment in Universal Basic Income. Not to bore you with numbers, but by any reasonable metric of mental and emotional well-being (substance abuse, suicide, early death, underweight babies) tribes that receive casino money do worse than tribes that do not receive casino money.

There is something inherently healthy about the need to be sober enough to get up in the morning and go to work. The difference is far more than statistical noise. It is a darned big difference.

Talking Point Two:

Many Progressives think it would be just peachy to roll-over and let the Chinese, or Cartels or Euro-trash take over and have their way with us.

Let us look at just one tribe: the Pawnee.

The Pawnee occupied a region roughly defined as a circle with a one-hundred mile radius centered around the current city of North Platte, Nebraska.

At the time the mountain men seeking beaver pelts first encountered them there were about 60,000 Pawnee with a population density of approximately 2 people for every square mile.

In sixty years, they had been decimated; literally. The population stood at about 6000. By the mid 1870s, the population bottomed out at 2400.

The odd thing is that for the most part, the Pawnees were allies of the white people. They had the misfortune of being a "speed bump". They straddled the Oregon trail. They were in the middle of the bison migrations. They were subjected to diseases and loss of wild foods. The vast majority of their ancestoral lands were ill suited to dryland farming and is devoid of mineral wealth.

So if the Pawnee experienced a 96% decline in their population at the hands of the not-particularly-hostile economic winners, why would Progressives expect any better treatment from whoever displaces us? Why do they think they will be the lucky one-in-twenty-five who will survive?

Talking Point Three

The Progressive Elites are following the same trajectory seen with tribes that have casinos. Those tribes are aggressively pruning the tribal rolls.

Membership used to be much looser but "members" started coming out of the woodwork. And women would claim to have children by tribal members in hopes of getting assistance.

Suddenly, being one-quarter Saginaw Valley Chippewa was not enough. You had to be at least 1/2 and be able to prove it. The tribal elders saw that the pie was being cut into too many pieces. The stipends would soon be diluted down to chump-change if they didn't tighten the requirements.

It is the same deal for the Progressive Elites. They do not create anything. To the contrary, their irrational rules and disdain for reality means that less is created, less is produced. So the only way they can demonstrate "progress" is to cut the shrinking pie into fewer pieces. That means more and more Progs getting voted off the island. Fewer and fewer former Progressives are benefitting from "progress".


  1. Progs behave as if knowledge, or lack thereof, flows one way only.

    'With hindsight I would not do what those others did. They acted foolishly.'

    Progs seem not to realize, their entire worldview prohibits it, that the reason why those others acted as they did is because they knew something the latter day Progs do not know.

    Said differently; the actions of those others were in response to condiions not evident to today's Progs.

    Yet like any good Prog they prefer to think people of the past were stupid.

  2. "So if the Pawnee experienced a 96% decline in their population at the hands of the not-particularly-hostile economic winners"

    I would want to ask the Pawnee about that.

    1. The Pawnee people generally sided with US Cavalry because the US military was more hostile to Cheyenne, Lakoda and other traditional Pawnee enemies.

      Of course, those scouts are dead now so they are not available to interview.

  3. The tribal elders overseeing all that casino cash really don't care if it destroys their long as THEY continue to wallow in said cash.


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