Friday, February 4, 2022

Asymmetric Losses

If the goal of warfare is to impose your will by means of causing asymmetric losses with regard to your foe, then the U-boats used by the Germans in WWII were one of the most successful conventional weapons.

U-boats sank about 4 merchant ships for every sub they lost.

A typical mechant ship had a gross tonnage of about ten times that of a submarine. So in terms of resources invested, the U-boats had a "profit" of about 40X.

And while many of those ships were sunk by the rotten weather of the North Atlantic, it is important to not lose sight of the fact that many convoys chose that route to avoid heavy predation by the U-boats.

Canadian Convoy

Conservatives have been losing the cultural war because we have not had the will to engage in retaliation.

Within Canada, the Return on Investment in terms of asymmetric losses have been very favorable to the truckers. Drive to the capital. Park your rig. Walk away.

Trudeau is attempting to escalate but he best be careful. What is to stop the truckers from parking on top of fire-hydrants which would cause a catastrophic loss of water pressure? What is to stop them from backing into utility poles?

Trudeau needs to put on his big-boy pants and admit that he over-stepped or things will get VERY ugly.


  1. Once people decide they have nothing to lose, they will do anything.
    As long as they have an interest in society and are invested in it, they'll support it even if they don't fully agree - but once the bottom is cut from under them, anything could and probably will happen.
    Note that for now the Canadian government is not only refusing to talk with their opponents, they are talking about a vaccine requirement to travel outside of your home province, doubling down on an already failed strategy.
    As you say, this will NOT end well...

  2. The Left, in general, and their individual "leaders" (e.g. Trudeau, Biden, Macron, et al) seem particularly psychologically incapable of admitting error or overreach. They have the temperment of 2-year olds with the vocabulary of 25-year old literature grad students minoring in Marxism.

    By the time they realize that they went way too far, it will be way too late.

    1. "Vanity... definitely my favorite sin." - Al Pacino as the Devil in Devil's Advocate.

      Learning requires humility. It requires the ability to admit you might be wrong or, at least, not completely knowledgeable.

  3. I remember seeing one of these protests in Belgium-France where the farmers brought their tractors into town as a show of unity. The city slicker police set up barricades in the form armored cars. The video showed the tractors pulling the armored cars out of the way as if they were toys. City people.

  4. Let's acknowledge that in reality, The Canadian government as it currently exists is a Communist government. Justin Castro/Trudeau, who is the biological bastard son of Fidel Castro, is an actual Communist, as was his step-father Pierre Trudeau.

    All the agencies of government have appointed leaders who are also Communists, and who naturally have appointed sympathetic Leftists to leadership positions within those agencies. Said agencies include the RCMP and many major police departments, especially the Ottawa police.

    I mention all this, because being actual Communists, they will not back down. Instead they will double down. Being actual Communists, they simply do not care how much destruction they cause, or how many people die because of their policies and their actions. The "we are going to get tough now" announcement by the Ottawa police chief should come as a surprise to nobody. If the truckers and the citizens supporting them stand their ground, things WILL turn violent, and the violence will have been initiated by police and government forces.

    This is nothing short of a Lexington Green situation. The Commies who have captured the levers of power in Canada have now come right out and said that they will NOT back down from their Covid death-shot vaccine mandates, nor will they brook ANY interference with their plans to consolidate their absolute power. The truckers and all Canadian citizens must understand that this thing has turned deadly serious.

    If they are to win, or even survive, the leaders of this freedom movement in Canada must understand that the gloves of TPTB are about to come off, and as such, the leaders of this movement and all who support them must have absolute determination to see it through. Just as importantly, they must be seeing three moves ahead as to the tactics the police will use against them, and have gamed out effective tactics they will use to defeat the police and other government forces.

    I pray they are well-versed in Boyd, Lind, and Sun-Tsu. May God be with them. And death to Communists everywhere. Not metaphorical death, but actual physical, biological death.

  5. George, well said. I hope the truckers have the ability to survive.

  6. Hell will freeze over long before ANY leftist ever admits to being wrong in any way shape or form.

  7. Well, tbe mayor of Ottawa has another weekend of entertainment coming. There is another rush of citizens heading for Ottawa as I write this for a weekend of protests. This time its not only Joe average, but Trades, Natives, etc. There likely will be more people than last weekend.

    In addition almost every provincial capital city is getting a convoy too. Toronto has almost went totally nuts with pearl clutching and bawling.


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