Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Just when you think it cannot get any more weird

"...and the bluegill was THIS BIG between the eyes..."

I wonder if Kamala Harris will offer Juwan Howard a position on her team to defuse the crisis in the Ukraine.

I understand he is very good at badgering people.

Antifa failure in victim selection process

None of the other bloggers on my sidebar mentioned it, but Antifa was protesting police brutality in Portland, Oregon this past weekend.

It is rumored that they attempted to intimidate a member of a motorcycle gang. The confrontation did not work out the way Antifa anticipated. Six people were shot, including one who died.

The Portland Police attempted to have a meeting with the press to share information about the altercation when Antifa interrupted the meeting and demanded that the police protect them...protect Antifa...while Antifa is protesting the police and demanding that the police be defunded.

The Progressive Loonie-Left's grasp on reality is so tenuous and their logical processes so convoluted that it is a chore to come up with commentary.

The best I can offer to Antifa is that it was probably a statistical aberration. They might want to see how the best 16-of-31 confrontations with motorcycle gangs works out.

On a completely unrelated note

Mrs ERJ informed me that it is getting difficult to find products that are not supplemented with Vitamin D.

Even though vehemently denied by the CDC, popular culture now believes that having a high-end-of-range Vitamin D level is inexpensive insurance with regard to nearly all infectious diseases.

The problem is that it is possible to have excessive levels of Vitamin D. 

Data from Ireland. Graph in lower-right quadrant shows Vitamin D levels starting to climb in late-2013. Other three charts show clear "loping" based on season.

Data from Denmark showing seasonality of Vitamin D levels with unsupplemented population levels ranging from about 75mmol/ml (median value) at the end of summer to 40mmol/ml at the end of winter. The unsupplemented population are the light gray whiskers on the left side of every cluster of data.

Belladonna had a "Code Blue" come into work last week. Patient in his late-40s having a coronary event. He was Covid positive. The patient did not survive.

Even before Covid, people in their 40s died of heart attacks. The usual cause was cocaine but others were just cursed with bad genetics and/or suboptimal lifestyles. James Fixx, for instance.

I wonder if annual Vitamin D screens will become a fixture just like cholesterol screening. Probably not. The vaccine costs $29 while the screening is more like $40.


  1. 6 months ago my blood work already included Vid. D test. They knew back then.

  2. My internist has checked vitamin D levels at every complete physical I've had over the past 15 years. I no longer do yearly physicals (I'll be 62 at the end of March), though my doc pushes me to do so. I'm on no prescription meds, nor do I have any health issues, so I figure a yearly physical is a waste of money and time. I take 5000 IU of vitamin D daily, nowadays, and am outdoors daily for minimum of 3 hours, so I think my vitamin D levels are probably fine.

  3. 1. How much is too high for D, mg/mL?
    2. These downward trends are all going back 12 years, and one would need to see more data to understand what is driving the trend. My guess would be that they reflect the efforts of dietary/food science and better societal nutrition levels - trends that have been in place since the end of WWII maybe? The upward tick starting in 2012? That's an interesting mystery...

    1. By the way, I would prefer to see how the best 31-of-31 confrontations with motorcycle gangs works out for the Antifa crowd, if it's all the same to you. Alternatively, we could just go down the list until we run out of motorcycle gangs - in the interest of fair coverage.

    2. It varies a little bit. Some sources say anything over 50mmol/ml. Others say 85mmol/ml.

      But that is based on bone-health and not Vit D's influence on mood or immunology.

      Some of it might be related to hereditary factors. I had a neighbor who was susceptible to calcium-based kidney stones. He might have been one of the ones who should be lower rather than higher.

  4. Things are just getting downright weird... sigh

  5. Even with supplemented food, you gotta work pretty hard to get to a too-high level of Vitamin D. You can do it, but it takes work.
    Anything under 150 Ng/ml is pretty safe. Unless you are ear=ting a half bottle of supplements per week for weeks, you pretty much can't get there.

  6. It's a lot harder to OD on vitamin D than you think. There's a book called "The Optimal Dose" by Judson Somerville M.D. where he recommends 30,000 I.U. per day. Another book, titled "The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases What Doctors Never Learned" by Jeff T. Bowles, cites studies where people took up to 200,000 I.U. per day for long periods of time and suffered no ill effects. When you consider that mid-day summer sun exposure for 30 minutes can generate 20,000 I.U. in the body, the idea of ODing on D3 starts to seem a little silly. Very important with vitamin D is to get the co-factors: Magnesium (citrate or glycinate, the magnesium oxide form is almost totally unusable by the body), and vitamin K2. Boron and zinc are also important.

  7. Heart attacks in 40 year old people do happen....but aside from illegal drugs as a cause they are vanishingly rare. It's being reported....not by the lame stream media but by alternate sources....that insurance companies are reporting a massive increase in life insurance pay outs for working aged people for 2021 compared to prior years. Few industries are as anal about accurate statistics as insurance actuarials. Makes one wonder exactly what happened in 2021 that wasn't happening before.

  8. Harris could have Jussie Smollett do the negotiating . . . I hear he's creative.


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