Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Let's look at four Totalitarians from recent history:

Saddam Hussein: Hussein was a member of a religious minority. Sunni Muslims are about 30% of Iraq's population while Shia Muslims make up the rest of the population. Hussein was a minority within the Sunni population in that he was irreligious.

Lacking a huge, popular support base, Hussein relied heavily on object lessons. Hussein sent soldiers to villages and every resident executed and the buildings torched if the suspected somebody wanted to assassinate him.

It is common in Iraq for every person in a village to be closely related since marrying of first-cousins is not just allowed but is often considered desirable as a  way to keep wealth in-the-family. Destroying a village also meant destroying a family line.

Hussein's father disappeared before Hussein was born.


Joseph Stalin: Stalin was not Russian. He was Georgian. Natives of Georgia represented about 2% of the Soviet population.

Stalin's mother separated from Stalin's father when he was 5. They lived in poverty.


Adolf Hitler: Hitler was Austrian rather than German. Current data shows that Austrians are less than 1% of Germany's population.

Hitler's father started beating him when Hitler was six.


Justin Trudeau: Trudeau is considered French-Canadian. French-Canadians are about 20% of Canada's population.

Trudeau's father separated from his mother when he was five. Trudeau's father was given primary custody even though his nanny is quoted as saying "Justin is a mommy's boy, so it's not easy, but children's hurts mend very quickly."


  1. I note, with some sense of history, that the Canadian parliament passed an Enabling Act yesterday. Modern tyrants are popularly elected and the legislature abdicates responsibility.

    1. Sounds like 1933 in Germany...
      Another totalitarian leader not elected by a majority.

    2. Or perhaps as our last election here in Amerika huh ?

  2. Any truth to the story circulating that Trudeau was a teacher at West Point Grey Academy and raped a minor female child, but was able to buy his way out of the trouble due to his wealth and parentage?


    Meanwhile, the Mango Mussolini proves himself a psychopathic criminal traitor as Putin's Poodle once again. Now that is a couple of authoritarians.

    Glass houses.

    1. I saw those comments and I agree from the standpoint of technical execution.

      If you look at Biden/Putin as a squabble on a playground, you should never let your mouth write a check that your fists cannot cash.

      Leaving aside the US Military's embarrassing performance in Afghanistan, the United States is fifty times more vulnerable to cyber attacks than Russia is. Russia's infrastructure is antiquated, mechanical and run by old men and women who drink too much. The US economy (which is about 12 times larger) runs on little bits of electricity or light and a people who are soft.

      I don't think you have to be on Putin's payroll to agree that the United States has a great deal to lose if Russia retaliated to a US military incursion.

      Those secondary-effects mutate quickly.


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