Friday, February 18, 2022

Fake News Friday: Eight States want to Join Canada

According to highly placed sources in the BDSM community the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois want to join Canada as the new province of Baja Manitoba while Vermont, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island want to form the new province of Baja Quebec.

Petitions are being passed around to collect signatures for a referendums in those states.

The Biden Administration issued a sternly worded memo warning Canada that they would have to take an equal number of Republican-leaning states as well.

Trudeau replied with a memo refusing to bend to political pressure and that he refused to accept Biden's "Poison Pill" demand. Trudeau composed the letter in French in a show of...well, whatever Francophiles show.


  1. Your mastery of snark is beginning to impress me . Heh!

  2. Do you moonlight writing for the Babylon Bee?

  3. I honestly don't know who gets the worst of that one, Joe...

    1. Parenting 101: If your kids approach you and expect you to solve their problems (or if they try to use you as a blunt instrument to bludgeon others) your job is to render a decision that everybody hates.

  4. I prefer the approach we used during the Revolutionary War. We burned out the Tories and made them walk to Canada. They didn't get to take any property they couldn't carry.


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