Monday, January 10, 2022

So, when was his last vax?


It seems like all of the news outlets gleefully report when somebody like an  unvaccinated Lutheran pastor in Esox, Wisconsin dies of Covid. They always put "Unvaxxed" in the header. Amazingly, this is considered to be news of national importance and gets reported from coast-to-coast.

And yet mid-level celebrities seem to be inexplicably falling over dead in box-lot quantities.

I want to know when their last Covid Vax/Booster happened.

If it is newsworthy to know the vaccination status of the recently departed and not-famous Pastor Himmelpfad then it should be far more newsworthy to know the vaccination status of Celeb Neverheardofhim.


  1. According to CFP, he got his booster Nov 28

  2. Joe, it is a careful line to tread - yes, I completely agree that the media should report as equally on the state of when they last vaccine was had as they do on the non-vaccinated. At the same time, I think that always having the immediate response of "When was their last vaccination?" also undermines serious discussion. Sadly, people pass for any number of reasons and the last two years has been hard on many people in ways we do not know. Good heavens, the brilliant idea of closing gyms and restricting people from even taking walks definitely set people's health back years. And in some cases once the forward progress is lost, the lateral progress sets in.

    1. Tell that to 110 soccer players that have dropped dead from heart attacks after the jab.

    2. That "hard on many people in ways we do not know" all turn out to be the ways predicted by the Pharmocological studys early on. The dissected animals showed spike proteins in the heart, lungs, vascular linings, brains and gonads. There were also early warnings of autoimmune problems.
      And that's pretty much what we've got now.
      Ps: every provider who asks me why I am not vaxed gets asked for the informed consent. They always shut up.

  3. I bet there is a lot more to the story and that it wasn't really as "suddenly" as they say...

    1. Ding ding ding ding!
      Never trust the media. Always assume the exact opposite is true until proven otherwise.


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