Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Begin subroutine: Pronouns

 If "Man" then (He, him, his)

   else if "Woman" then (She, her, hers)

     else (It)

End subroutine

Am I missing anything?


  1. Apparently you're missing the woke subroutine. You're better off not installing it.
    It's a lot like the very early emission control systems. They hampered real world performance. The woke subroutine does the same thing.

  2. moron for all those that think otherwise...

  3. Efficient solid code. A+

    I miss the days when computer code was well written and efficient. Back when you only had 64K of memory the programmers wrote good code, not lazy sloppy code. If you didn't, it wouldn't run. These days they add a bunch of bells and whistles and neglect the "drive train and wheels" so to speak.

    1. Roger that.

      I suspect that many of today's microwave ovens have more computation power than Apollo 11.

      It is not that I worship elegance for the sake of elegance but that I honor elegance because of a deeply rooted ethic of achieving maximum results with the minimum consumption of resources.

  4. Mine are Thee and Thou.
    Sometimes "You!"

  5. In the presence of those who disagree with the results of that routine, I find myself using the pronoun {s}(for she)+{h}(for he)+{it}(neutral)+{head}(to note their intellect). Strange, these folks don't appreciate that either. There's no pleasing some people.

  6. Can my pronoun be "Lord Ghawd King Odahwhirl"?


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