Sunday, January 9, 2022

First order approximation of "Football" talent in the United States



  1. Funny that both Oregon and Washington both miss the list.

  2. As long as Puerto Rico is on the list, I would be curious how American Samoa ranks.

  3. There's a price for that talent. It's paid for by society at large. In east Texas there's a lot of people that worship football on Friday night and dust God off Sunday morning. It's a priority around here...

  4. It's Monday and I had a hard of retirement today.
    Does the graph mean to say 100% of the population of high school players in Georgia are talented? Talented is defined as?????

    1. Or is it saying that my home state of Pennsylvania's grid iron hero's are only 40% as talented as the peanut pushers from Georgia?

    2. The states were ordered by number of African-Americans and normalized by the state with the highest population.

      State or territory Population (2019 estimate)
      Georgia 3,996,697
      Texas 3,908,287
      Florida 3,772,874
      New York 3,424,002
      California 2,782,446
      North Carolina 2,424,132
      Illinois 1,951,681
      Maryland 1,946,932
      Virginia 1,820,891
      Ohio 1,686,729
      Pennsylvania 1,649,737

      Approximately 60% of the players in the NFL are Black/A-A while they only comprise 13% of the population. The number of Black/A-A was used for a proxy for "talent".

      A second-order approximation would calculate the relative percentages of Black, Caucasian and Polynesian in the NFL and come up with a composite index.

      A third-order approximation might attempt to weight those populations based on how many live in dense urban cores (like NYC) and have less opportunity to play football and how many live in suburbs, smaller cities and towns and in rural areas.


    4. Hi Gerry: The two lists have a correlation coefficient of about .74

      I inserted 34 into New York since there was no data on the High School Football list.


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