Sunday, June 6, 2021

"Shock" attack and the high price of Bourbon


Belladonna informs me that humans taste like poop to sharks which is why most shark attacks are one-bite. She said that most attacks are cases of mistaken identity. I am not sure how she could know that but it is not wise to argue with women.

Still, incredibly brave to jump into the water to rescue the bleeding victim.

Lovely accents in that part of the world.


The price of many mid-premium Bourbon brands rose by 50% over the last few months.

Those of you who are interested in whiskey may remember that there one of the larger warehouses where Bourbon is aged collapsed in June of 2018 and there was a fire in the Jim Beam warehouse in 2019.

Another factor is that inflation raises all boats.

A third factor is that some people are retreating to smaller, more local and more accessible luxuries because of the Covid restrictions. Rather than bow to the restrictions imposed in the air travel industry, they buy a few very fine cigars and a bottle of high-end hooch, sit on the deck and watch the sun set.

If those luxuries scratch-your-itch, you might want to lay in a box of stogies and a few bottles of fire-water before the price goes up even more.


  1. Working in a large liquor store as the on-site whiskey expert, I would say cost increases are minimal compared to an almost complete lack of availability of the popular brands. I agree, our sales of fine cigars and $100+ whiskey are way up.


  2. Conflagration stokes inflation.

  3. Fortunately, I bought a few bottles of good whiskey- Ezra Brooks. Just for emergencies, of course.

  4. Mayor Vaughn : [to reporter] I'm pleased and happy to repeat the news that we have, in fact, caught and killed a large predator that supposedly injured some bathers. But, as you see, it's a beautiful day, the beaches are open and people are having a wonderful time. Amity, as you know, means "friendship".

  5. On living prey, sharks typically take one bite and then move off to let the prey bleed out. There's no reason getting in close while the prey could still fight back.


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